This is the Publication by LS1965 & P65.


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SINGAPORE General Election


Here is the List concerning how each COVID-19 case is infected:

COVID-19 Cases: See below.  See other COVID-18 cases here.


Summary details of death cases. May they rest in peace. (First compiled on 2 May 2020)


Cases 69,234 - 69,582 or 69,628?

8 September 2021: “Singapore confirms 349 new COVID-19 cases (2 imported + 347 locally transmitted (They refused to report on the unlinked cases)), total at 69,582”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 69,628 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

See item 2: Case 71194, a 93 year-old female Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 8 September 2021.

From GISAID: The total number of Delta cases in Singapore is 4157!

Due to space constraints, the latest COVID-19 News & important News in Singapore are listed  here.

See the latest (8 September 2021) Government report <- Useless report?

With effect from 30 July 2021, they have refused to report on the Dormitory cases. See Figure 1 and compare with those earlier reported and you will know what we meant! From 29 June 2021,  they have also refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide!  The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks.

Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you!

Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021)


From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, You know we love You. Thanks for teaching us: “The wages of the righteous is life, but the earnings of the wicked are sin and death.

Please see the above News reports and the People’s comments. Today, there are record high Local Transmitted COVID cases in Singapore of 347, far more than yesterday! This round, the PAP Government refuse to report on the unlinked cases, is it true that the number of unlinked cases is too many and thus too embarrassing for them to report? If this kind of high number of Local Transmitted cases continues further, it is only a matter of time ALL will get infected and Many will die even they have been vaccinated. Today we have 4157 Delta cases besides other Variants as stated in GISAID , it seems to us that the virus is everywhere now! You see the PAP Government has been marketing that “Singaporeans should learn to LIVE with the Virus”, even with FULL KNOWLEG of what kind of damage the virus will do to us. This News article reflects what we are feeling now . Even Singapore has always been a beautiful and happy Garden City, these wicked Big Bullies have now converted this place into HELL (see our past reports to You)! Please help us to remove THE D*VILs and teach us the way to repair this damage. Many Thanks.


Cases 69,583 - 70,039 or 70,085?

9 September 2021: “Singapore confirms 457 new COVID-19 cases (7 imported + 450 locally transmitted (They refused to report on the unlinked cases)), total at 70,039”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 70,085 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

See item 2Case 65636, a 62 year-old male Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 6 September 2021.

From GISAID: The total number of Delta cases in Singapore is 4157!

Due to space constraints, the latest COVID-19 News & important News in Singapore are listed  here.

See the latest (9 September 2021) Government report <- Useless report?

With effect from 30 July 2021, they have refused to report on the Dormitory cases. See Figure 1 and compare with those earlier reported and you will know what we meant! From 29 June 2021,  they have also refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide!  The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks.

Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you!

Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021)


From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, You know we love You. Thanks for reminding us: “Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.”

Please see the above News reports and the People’s comments. Today, there are 450 locally transmitted cases but the number of the related unlinked cases was not reported. In our humble opinion, it is highly probable that the PAP Government does not know too, as there are huge number of infected cases reported everyday which we doubt they have the manpower and other resources to identity which are the linked ones. The Big Bullies have the guts to mismanage our borders control and imported so many cases to infect those in the Community (which we mentioned to You  on 7 September 2021) but now they have failed/refused to repair this massive damage that they have created!

Netizen “TrustNo1.906” uploaded this video on the web, please advise if what has been presented is true: https://odysee.com/@TruthVault:0/THE-TRUE-AGENDA-BEHIND:9?fbclid=IwAR08J1QUKm9QjMXYCO01l6y-dvQrNa-veSy-_gwyWn4sIgHjrp2vd_g_6Kg

We know that You will settle the Big Bullies for us when the time is ripe. Please teach us how to repair this damage as the escalating number of the People becoming sick and many died in Singapore and all over the World have brought us much sorrow which we now offer it up to You. Please help us. Many Thanks.


Cases 70,040 - 70,612 or 70,658?

10 September 2021: “Singapore confirms 573 new COVID-19 cases (5 imported + 568 locally transmitted (They refused to report on the unlinked cases)), total at 70,612”. The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be 70,658 + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet!

See item 2: Case 72986, a partially vaccinated 80-year-old Singaporean man dies of COVID-19 complications; death toll at 58 (10 September 2021)

From GISAID: The total number of Delta cases in Singapore is 4157!

Due to space constraints, the latest COVID-19 News & important News in Singapore are listed  here.

See the latest (10 September 2021) Government report <- Useless report?

With effect from 30 July 2021, they have refused to report on the Dormitory cases. See Figure 1 and compare with those earlier reported and you will know what we meant! From 29 June 2021,  they have also refused to report on the Travel Histories of the Imported cases, the Nationality of the Community & Dormitory cases, the places that the COVID-19 cases have visited, there must be tons of information the wicked Big Bullies need to hide!  The Alternative Parties & smart Journalists please help to expose the facts. Thanks.

Please wear your facemask wherever you go to stay safe, because we love you!

Netizen dissatisfied with MOH decision to stop disclosing detailed updates on community cases; call for transparency (30 June 2021)


From LS1965 & P65:

For perpetual viewing, the People please reply with comments above or reply to

https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1248160736049676288 Thanks.

We pray for all who experience fear due to this COVID-19 crisis.

Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, You know we love You. Thanks for reminding us: “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Please see the News reports above and the People’s comments. The number of Local Transmitted cases has soared to record high of 568 and now they refuse to report on the number of unlinked cases. As commented by many smart Singaporeans, the vaccination rate now is above 81% with their various “effective” Policies, the number of people become SICK should shrink instead, but the numbers keep escalating! Now everyday there is someone died of COVID-19, something which has never happened in the past! Do You agree that the Big Bullies have mismanaged this COVID crisis in Singapore? The smart Singaporeans want to tell you that they don’t want to continue paying these Big Bullies skyrocketed high salaries for such “tr*sh” outcome, we beg  You to please teach us how to do this and how to repair this MESS that has been created by the unwise Big Bullies! Many Thanks.


As we have been away for quite some time, due to time constraints, we will now list out the hyperlinks for each date and will continue our extracts later:

Year 2021:

Cases 70,613– 124,157

11 September ( a total of 555 new cases of COVID-19 infection, comprising 486 community cases, 64 dormitory residents cases and 5 imported cases). Number of Local Transmitted cases: 550.


12 September (a total of 520 new cases of COVID-19 infection, comprising 454 community cases, 63 dormitory residents cases and 3 imported cases). Number of Local Transmitted cases: 517.


13 September (a total of 607 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, comprising 534 community cases, 63 dormitory residents cases and 10 imported cases). Number of Local Transmitted cases: 597.


14 September  (a total of 837 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, comprising 755 community cases, 77 dormitory residents cases and 5 imported cases). Number of Local Transmitted cases: 832.


15 September (a total of 807 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 770 in the community, 34 in the migrant worker dormitories and 3 imported cases.) Number of Local Transmitted cases: 804.


16 September (a total of 910 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 803 in the community, 103 in the migrant worker dormitories and 4 imported cases. 1 death case (see item 2): Case 71549, total 59 death cases) Number of Local Transmitted cases: 906.


17 September (a total of 935 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 838 in the community, 96 in the migrant worker dormitories and 1 imported case.) Number of Local Transmitted cases: 934.


18 September (a total of 1,009 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 926 in the community, 78 in the migrant worker dormitories and 5 imported cases. 1 death case (see item 2): Case 78675, total 60 death cases) Number of Local Transmitted cases: 1004.


19 September (a total of 1,012 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 919 in the community, 90 in the migrant worker dormitories and 3 imported cases.) Number of Local Transmitted cases: 1009.


20 September (a total of 917 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 832 in the community, 78 in the migrant worker dormitories and 7 imported cases. 2 death cases (see items 2 & 3): Case 74987 & Case 77580, total 62 death cases.) Number of Local Transmitted cases: 910.


21 September (a total of 1,178 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 1,038 in the community, 135 in the migrant worker dormitories and 5 imported cases. 3 death cases (see items 2, 3 & 4): Case 66111, Case 72610 & Case 76425, total 65 death cases.) Number of Local Transmitted cases: 1173.


22 September (a total of 1,457 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 1,277 in the community, 176 in the migrant worker dormitories and 4 imported cases. 3 death cases (1 fully vaccinated) (see items 2, 3 & 4): Case 70252, Case 74791 & Case 75271, total 68 death cases.) Number of Local Transmitted cases: 1453.


23 September (a total of 1,504 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 1,218 in the community, 273 in the migrant worker dormitories and 13 imported cases. 2 death cases (see items 2 &3): Case 78524 & Case 85278, total 70 death cases.) Number of Local Transmitted cases: 1491.


24 September (a total of 1,650 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 1,369 in the community, 277 in the migrant worker dormitories and 4 imported cases. 3 death cases (2 fully vaccinated) (see items 2, 3 & 4): Case 72389, Case 76190 & Case 77456, total 73 death cases.) Number of Local Transmitted cases: 1646.


25 September (a total of 1,443 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 1,053 in the community, 371 in the migrant worker dormitories and 19 imported cases. 3 death cases (1 fully vaccinated) (see items 2, 3 & 4): Case 71506, Case 72277 & Case 76462, total 76 death cases.) Number of Local Transmitted cases: 1440.


26 September (a total of 1,939 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 1,536 in the community, 398 in the migrant worker dormitories and 5 imported cases. 2 death cases (Case 82792 & Case 87418, see items 2, 3), total 78 death cases.) Number of Local Transmitted cases: 1934.


27 September (a total of 1,647 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 1,280 in the community, 362 in the migrant worker dormitories and 5 imported cases. 2 death cases (see items 2 & 3): Case 82792 & Case 87418, total 80 death cases.) Number of Local Transmitted cases: 1642.


28 September (a total of 2,236 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 1,711 in the community, 515 in the migrant worker dormitories and 10 imported cases. 5 death cases (see item 2): Case 79048, Case 79829, Case 89396, Case 89975 & Case 76917, total 85 death cases.) Number of Local Transmitted cases: 2226.


29 September (a total of 2,268 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 1,810 in the community, 448 in the migrant worker dormitories and 10 imported cases. 8 death cases ( 1 fully vaccinated) (see item 2):  Cases 81843, 81866, 82191, 83965, 84313, 86939, 87276 and 93716, total 93 death cases.) Number of Local Transmitted cases: 2258.


30 September (a total of 2,478 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 2,022 in the community, 452 in the migrant worker dormitories and 4 imported cases. 2 death cases (see item 2):  Case 85911 and Case 90565, total 95 death cases.) Number of Local Transmitted cases: 2474.



1 October (a total of 2,909 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 2,079 in the community, 818 in the migrant worker dormitories and 12 imported cases. 8 death cases (2 have been fully vaccinated) (see item 2):  Cases 73375, 76228, 78363, 81708, 85439, 91179, 93933, and 97170, total 103 death cases.) Number of Local Transmitted cases: 2897.


2 October (a total of 2,356 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 1,938 in the community, 412 in the migrant worker dormitories and 6 imported cases. 4 death cases (see item 2): Cases 79972, 91229, 92986 and 94160, total 107 death cases.) Number of Local Transmitted cases: 2350.


3 October (a total of 2,057 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 1,676 in the community, 373 in the migrant worker dormitories and 8 imported cases. 6 death cases (4 have been fully vaccinated) (see item 2): Cases 70970, 75715, 83674, 85717, 90347 and 92780, total 113 death cases.) Number of Local Transmitted cases: 2049.


4 October (a total of 2,475 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 1,859 in the community, 601 in the migrant worker dormitories and 15 imported cases. 8 death cases (5 have been fully vaccinated) (see item 2): Cases 76506, 78366, 83678, 91705, 92482, 93373, 94090 and 97699, total 121 death cases.) Number of Local Transmitted cases: 2460.


From GISAID: The total number of Delta cases in Singapore is 5404!

5 October: a total of 3,486 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 2,767 in the community, 713 in the migrant worker dormitories and 6 imported cases. Number of Local Transmitted cases: 3480.

Total number of COVID-19 cases in Singapore = 109,804 (Official count).

See item 2: 9 more cases (Cases 73474, 78548, 90720, 94792, 98611, 99372, 101614, 102148 and 109763) have passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection, 4 had been fully vaccinated. In total, 130 have passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection.


From GISAID: The total number of Delta cases in Singapore is 5578, 1027 of such new cases reported in the past 4 weeks with 100 %Delta.

6 October 2021: A total of 3,577 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 2,932 in the community, 630 in the migrant worker dormitories and 15 imported cases. Total Local Transmitted cases for this day: 3562.

Total number of COVID cases in Singapore: 113,381.

See item 2: 3 more cases (Cases 92731, 92734 and 88696) have passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection. In total, 133 have passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection.


From GISAID: The total number of Delta cases in Singapore is 5578.

7 October 2021: a total of 3,483 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 2,783 in the community, 692 in the migrant worker dormitories and 8 imported cases. There are 3,475 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection in Singapore.

Total number of COVID cases in Singapore: 116,864 (should be 116,910).

See item 2: 3 more cases (Cases 78362, 84535 and 100512) have passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection, 2 had been fully vaccinated. In total, 136 have passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection.


From GISAID: The total number of Delta cases in Singapore is 5578.

8 October 2021: a total of 3,590 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 2,825 in the community, and 765 in the migrant worker dormitories. There are no imported cases. There are 3,590 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection in Singapore.

Total number of COVID cases in Singapore: 120,454 (should be 120,500).

See item 2: 6 more cases (Cases 83277, 97094, 101441, 105226, 105489 and 110247) have passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection. 1 had been fully vaccinated. In total, 142 have passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection.


From GISAID: The total number of Delta cases in Singapore is 5578.

9 October 2021: a total of 3,703 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, with 2,868 in the community, 832 in the migrant worker dormitories and 3 imported cases. There are 3,700 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection in Singapore.

Total number of COVID cases in Singapore: 124,157 (should be 124,203).

Amongst all COVID-19 community cases who have been on boarded or admitted, 15,606 (76.5%) cases are undergoing Home Recovery. You decide if they can be potential sources of COVID spread to others in the same Premises!

See item 2: 11 more cases (Cases 83730, 83438, 85049, 88929, 98931, 90840, 91954, 94840, 98705, 102291 and 116029) have passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection, 4 had been fully vaccinated. In total, 153 have passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection.


From GISAID: Total number of Delta cases in Singapore is now 5729, 996 of such new cases reported in the past 4 weeks with 100 %Delta.


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Important note:

The above article is an Unpaid Publication of Clients. We have checked the relevant facts to be correct & non-defamatory! We have done this to gain the goodwill of our Singaporeans so that they will not end up on the Streets to protest or create disorders which will affect the Prosperity of our beloved Singapore! Dear PAP Government, we would be happy to help you to publish any clarification you may have upon your payment of fees to us; the amount to be paid will be conveyed to you by our Consultants. Thank you.