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Past cases: The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be (Total cases stated here + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! ) The rest of the Undercounting are indicated in red below & in this page : Year 2022 God’s warnings against wicked Rulers and Judges: Wisdom 6:1-11. Important note: All the death cases reported below are likely 99.9% fully vaccinated unless otherwise stated because the Big Bullies didn’t blow the trumpet telling the World that these death cases had not been vaccinated, thus absolving their liabilities that the non-vaccinated ask for death by refusing vaccination. Daily omicron COVID deaths now higher than peak of delta wave (29 January 2022) The latest Covid variant is 1.5 times more contagious than omicron and already circulating in almost half of U.S. states 29 January 2022 (5207 new cases, 1 death case, 4959 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 248 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=338,625+5207=) 343,832 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 18,743+248 = 18,991 (until 29 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 854 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078. http://www.news.cn/asiapacific/20220130/e98e08a38af641379db3d3dbc42bdf2c/c.html Singapore reports more infectious BA.2 Omicron variant... (28 January 2022) Read more at: Extracts: A total of 150 BA.2 cases were imported infections and the remaining 48 were local cases since January 25, 2022, the TODAY newspaper reported.
28 January 2022 (5554 new cases, 3 death cases, 5272 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 282 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=333,071+5554=) 338,625 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 18,461+282 = 18,743 (until 28 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 853 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078. http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/20220128/d5d609ab82254826ae16ba120ab2792d/c.html
27 January 2022 (5469 new cases, 5090 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 379 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=327,602+5469 =) 333,071 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 18,082+379 = 18,461 (until 27 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 850 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078 http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/20220127/88316e702ab241efb9bf34707c6b3ca6/c.html
26 January 2022 (4832 new cases, 4560 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 272 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=322,770+4832=) 327,602 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 17,810+272 = 18,082 (until 26 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 850 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078 https://english.news.cn/20220126/d6c0a430f06a4de6a0c43f9ed7b93af4/c.html
25 January 2022 (5996 new cases, 2 death cases, 5578 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 418 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=316,774+5996=) 322,770 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 17,392+418 = 17,810 (until 25 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 850 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078 https://mustsharenews.com/25-jan-covid-19-cases/ Singapore foreign minister gets Covid-19 health risk warning (25 Jan 2022)
24 January 2022 (3002 new cases, 2624 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 378 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=313,772+3002=) 316,774 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 17,392 (until 24 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 848 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078 http://www.news.cn/asiapacific/20220125/feeda84f9cc244fc92d3ef524d093ade/c.html
23 January 2022 (3496 new cases, 1 death case, 3057 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 439 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=310276+3496=) 313,772 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 16,352+439 = 16,791 (until 23 January 2022, MOH undercounted by “1” since 10 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 848 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078. http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/asiapacific/20220123/0f256ac2a17e49388df67c6954a7ebd8/c.html
22 January 2022 (2463 new cases, 1 death case (Elderly Patient died of Omicron virus, so you see Omicron is definitely NOT mild), 2218 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 245 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=307813+2463=) 310,276 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 16107+245 = 16,352 (until 22 January 2022, MOH undercounted by “1” since 10 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 847 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078. https://mothership.sg/2022/01/covid-19-moh-update-jan-22/
21 January 2022 (3156 or 3155? new cases, 1 death case, 2794 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 361 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=297549+3156=) 300,705 (Reported by MOH as 307,813, so they have been undercounting 307813-300705 =“7108” in addition to what come next?) + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 15746+361 = 16,107 (until 21 January 2022, MOH undercounted by “1” since 10 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 846 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Estimation: This means that it is likely 3155 as the Big Bullies are too ashamed to report. To err on the conservative side, now TINY Singapore is likely ranked the 4th position in the World with the highest number of Omicron cases, total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore now is likely (12078 as of 20 January 2022 +3155) = 15233 (based on GISAID, running ahead of Germany, France, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, India, Brazil, Mexico & Japan! Fantastic!). MOH: Focusing Our Resources and Refining Our Healthcare Protocols to Deal With the Omicron Wave (21 January 2022) Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for keeping ALL in our Team happily alive. Please see these reports published by the Ministry of Health (MOH) and decide if they are junk reports as they are hiding the number of Omicron cases, full of discrepancies and arithmetic errors: https://www.moh.gov.sg/ & https://covidsitrep.moh.gov.sg/, making it impossible for any Journalist to report! Now the number of New Cases has surged from 1472 to 3156 (or 3155?) thanks to the Big Bullies who have mismanaged the crisis. Please help the majority to work remotely as You can see the virus is now floating everywhere in Singapore especially our congested Public Transport System (?) where the wicked Big Bullies have refused to step in to avoid being infected! We beg You to keep ALL the Goodwill in Singapore and around the World safe. Many Thanks.
20 January 2022 (1472 new cases, 1 death case, 1133 (Community + Dormitory) cases & 339 imported cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). Newly found Omicron cases= 1001 (49 imported + 952 local transmission). Now TINY Singapore ranks the 5th position in the World with the highest number of Omicron cases, total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore now is (11077+1001) = 12078 (5377 imported + 6701 local Transmission, based on GISAID, running ahead of Germany, France, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, India, Brazil, Mexico & Japan! Fantastic!). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=296077+1472=) 297,549 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 15407+339 = 15,746 (until 20 January 2022, MOH undercounted by “1” since 10 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 845 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID
19 January 2022 (1615 new cases, New Omicron infections in S'pore more than double to 1,185. 1 death case, 1205 (Community + Dormitory) cases & 410 imported cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). Newly found Omicron cases= 1185 (220 imported + 965 local transmission). Now TINY Singapore ranks the 5th position in the World with the highest number of Omicron cases, total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore now is (9892+1185) = 11077 (5328 imported + 5749 local Transmission, based on GISAID, running ahead of France, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, India, Brazil, Mexico & Japan! Fantastic!). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=294,462+1615=) 296,077 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 14,997 +410 = 15,407 (until 19 January 2022, MOH undercounted by “1” since 10 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 844 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID
18 January 2022 (1448 new cases, 990 (Community + Dormitory) cases & 458 imported cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). Newly found Omicron cases= 589 (85 imported + 504 local transmission). Now TINY Singapore ranks the 5th position in the World with the highest number of Omicron cases, total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore now is (9303+589) = 9892 (5108 imported + 4784 local Transmission, based on GISAID, running ahead of France, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, India, Brazil, Mexico & Japan! Fantastic!). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=293014+1448=) 294,462 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 14,539 +458 = 14,997 (until 18 January 2022, MOH undercounted by “1” since 10 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 843 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID
17 January 2022 (1165 new cases, 631 (Community + Dormitory) cases & 534 imported cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). Newly found Omicron cases= 609 (229 imported + 380 local transmission). Now TINY Singapore ranks the 5th position in the World with the highest number of Omicron cases, total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore now is (8694+609) = 9303 (5023 imported + 4280 local Transmission, based on GISAID, running ahead of France, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, India, Brazil, Mexico & Japan! Fantastic!). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=291849+1165=) 293,014 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 14005 + 534 = 14,539 (until 17 January 2022, MOH undercounted by “1” since 10 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 843 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID 4th vaccine shot less effective against omicron, Israeli study finds; new Va. governor faces mask pushback: Live COVID updates Extracts: “Despite increased antibody levels, the fourth vaccine only offers a partial defense against the virus,” said Dr. Gili Regev-Yochay, director of the hospital’s infection disease unit. “The vaccines, which were more effective against previous variants, offer less protection versus omicron.” The Israeli government says more than 500,000 people have received fourth doses since it started offering them to those age 60 and older weeks ago, and yet the country has endured an outbreak that has caused a record-setting number of cases and rising hospitalizations. Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thank you for preserving the lives of everyone in our Team and keeping us Peaceful and Happy. You see the outcome after the Big Bullies have been importing the virus into Singapore, now the number of new cases for this day has surged to 1165, this is worse than the Dormitory outbreak that happened around April to May 2020, see the number of daily cases then! Israel has reported the booster jabs are ineffective in reducing the number of cases and now they have an outbreak, but the Big Bullies have been busy opening our Borders to let in the virus and rely on vaccination to prevent the People from getting infected, copy exactly a failed model to curb the virus spread, disregard the wellbeing and the lives of the People to drive the economy? They have been insisting that Omicrons are “MILD”, denying that the virus is UNLIKE Flu and is actually DEADLY! Will any sane person dare to enter Singapore as Singapore has now become that “same Dormitory outbreak”? Yes, now those Big Bullies practically do not know where the virus sources and who they are going to spread later, so they can’t control the spread! Please come and deliver us from the Wicked as You had done to deliver the Israelites from harm. Many Thanks.
16 January 2022 (863 new cases, 500 (Community + Dormitory) cases & 363 imported cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). Newly found Omicron cases= 675 (253 imported + 422 local transmission). Now TINY Singapore ranks the 5th position in the World with the highest number of Omicron cases, total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore now is (8019+675) = 8694 (4794 imported + 3900 local Transmission, based on GISAID, running ahead of France, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, India, Brazil, Mexico & Japan! Fantastic!). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=290986+863=) 291,849 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 13642 + 363 = 14,005 (until 16 January 2022, MOH undercounted by “2” since 10 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 843 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID http://www.news.cn/asiapacific/20220116/54bee62421b34abd9889e4f73aeab3ba/c.html
15 January 2022 (956 new cases, 3 death cases, 552 (Community + Dormitory) cases & 404 imported cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). Newly found Omicron cases= 692 (151 imported + 541 local transmission). Now TINY Singapore ranks the 5th position in the World with the highest number of Omicron cases, total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore now is (7327+692) = 8019 (4541 imported + 3478 local Transmission, based on GISAID, running ahead of France, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, India, Brazil, Mexico & Japan! Fantastic!). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=290030+956 =) 290,986 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 13238 + 404 = 13,642 (until 15 January 2022, MOH undercounted by “2” since 10 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 843 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/20220116/ea128a32e78d4dedb1ab95ed7575df8b/c.html
14 January 2022 (945 new cases, 1 death case, 582 (Community + Dormitory) cases & 363 imported cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). Newly found Omicron cases= 832 (289 imported + 543 local transmission). Now TINY Singapore ranks the 5th position in the World with the highest number of Omicron cases, total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore now is (6495+832) = 7327 (4390 imported + 2937 local Transmission, based on GISAID, running ahead of France, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, India, Brazil, Mexico & Japan! Fantastic!). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=289085+945=) 290,030 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 12,875 + 363 = 13,238 (until 14 January 2022, MOH undercounted by “2” since 10 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 840 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/20220114/847fe6cae316470c90d1d22366adf9eb/c.html Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for keeping us (including all our unvaccinated buddies) COVID FREE. You see after the Big Bullies said to freeze all new ticket sales for VTL flights and buses for travel into Singapore from 23 December 2021 to 20 January 2022, both dates inclusive, facts have shown otherwise as the number of Imported cases has surged at least 300%! Now it is an uncontrollable stage! We beg You to let ALL Attempts of the Wicked to maximise their economic gain at the expense of the wellbeing and lives of the People to fail miserably! Please teach us the way to repair the damage. Many Thanks.
13 January 2022 (960 new cases, 481 (Community + Dormitory) cases & 479 imported cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). Newly found Omicron cases= 549 (183 imported + 366 local transmission). Now TINY Singapore ranks the 5th position in the World with the highest number of Omicron cases, total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore now is 5946 +549 = 6495 (4101 imported + 2394 local Transmission, based on GISAID, running ahead of France, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, India, Brazil, Mexico & Japan! Fantastic!). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=288125+960=) 289,085 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 12,396 + 479 = 12,875 (until 13 January 2022, MOH undercounted by “2” since 10 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 839 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/20220113/d4dfd58381af43e1a9bee5aabd94186e/c.html What We Know About Omicron Symptoms So Far Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for keeping us safe and ensuring that all the unvaccinated in our Team are fully alive. You see the Big Bullies after busy opening our Borders importing the Omicron, they now busy undercounting the imported cases. We are not surprised if your Angels should expose their wicked deeds later, the actual number mounts up to at least double stated in their reports, as they are the Experts and Fully Immune Fake News Producers. We now put in record that we are in NO WAY related to them and we stand aloof away from their evil deeds, so that their eventual self-inflicted punishment or bad luck will not flow to us. Many Thanks.