Published by: LS1965 & P65.


Past cases:

The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be (Total cases stated here + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! )

The rest of the Undercounting are indicated in red below & in this page :

Year 2021 : January to 20 November

God’s warnings against wicked Rulers and Judges: Wisdom 6:1-11.

20 November (1931 new cases, 13 death cases (12 fully vaccinated), the youngest being 62 years of age).

Fewer new COVID cases on this day due to fewer number of Testing on Saturday?

Relaxation of Restrictions starting from 22 November 2021

Dear Daddy God, Thanks for shielding us from the virus. You see this is the ONLY way the Big Bullies curb the virus spread in Singapore: Restrictions on our activities and get People to be vaccinated! You can see what has happened after that: the infection rate has gone up and the Daily Death count has started to surge starting from early August 2021. Only fools will believe the Big Bullies that “Living with COVID” is possible with NO Damage on our bodies (IMPOSSIBLE!). Please teach us to be wise to avoid the virus as we repent and amend our lives to walk in Your Ways daily. Many Thanks.

19 November (1734 new cases, 16 death cases (15 fully vaccinated), the youngest being 52 years of age).

Dear Daddy God, we thank you for keeping us safe. You see the COVID Clusters are now the Homes for the Elderly and some Childcare Facilities, we pray that you please help whoever involved to bring their Elderly and Babies to “safer pastures”, as the Big Bullies have remained unrepentant and have taken NO constructive step to prevent the People from being infected & the number of COVID death cases continues to rise. Many Thanks.

18 November (2,038 new cases, 6 death cases all fully vaccinated, the youngest being 57 years of age).

Dear Daddy God, Thanks for protecting us from COVID today. The unending new sick & death cases daily fill us with sorrow. Please let us see Your Justice done so that the Nations will know that You alone are God and Your Love & Glory fill the World. Many Thanks.

17 November (3,474 new cases, 7 death cases all fully vaccinated, the youngest being 47 years of age).

Dear Daddy God, we thank you for keeping us safe and COVID-FREE! Let the Wicked who have been busy importing the virus causing countless sick & many died wither like grass. Many Thanks.

HSA Advisory on Lianhua Qingwen Products for Prevention or Treatment of COVID-19. Updated Safe Management Measures at Food & Beverage Establishments.

16 November (2,069 new cases, 18 death cases all fully vaccinated).

Dear Daddy God, you see the number of new cases today is the same as yesterday, isn’t it obvious that the Big Bullies have been busy manipulating the figures?

Vaccination of Foreign Sea Crew , Vaccinated Travel Lanes (VTLs) with India, Indonesia, and the Middle East , Korea Tourism Organization and the Singapore Tourism Board Launch Partnership to Promote and Enhance Bilateral Tourism

See the HIGH number infected cases daily and the HIGH Death count every day, the Big Bullies want you to come at your own risk & they WELCOME YOU TO SINGAPORE! Yes, thanks to them, beautiful Singapore turns “COVID”!

Singapore Continues With Cautious, Progressive Borders Reopening?

They said “Cautious” but when you see the number of infected cases & the death count every day, facts suggest OTHERWISE!

15 November (2,069 new cases, 8 death cases all fully vaccinated).


You can take our words for it! He can say anything he likes but the Big Bullies are now ABSOLUTELY at wits end to reduce the new daily COVID cases to zero. They are experts in importing the virus but have NO WAY to curb the virus spread. Thanks to the Big Bullies, the People continue to suffer with fear of contracting this virus due to the serious consequences! From GISAID: Now Singapore has 7251 delta cases besides other variants, 888 of these reported in the past 4 weeks and we have here 100 %Delta! We are mourning for our Dead everyday thinking of who will be the next to die!


Still want to enter Singapore with the COVID virus spreading like wild fire? When you become very sick or are dead, money becomes completely USELESS!

14 November (1723 new cases, 10 death cases all fully vaccinated).

The fewer new COVID cases for the day because fewer tests done on Sunday? You decide! See the number of death cases remains high! In Singapore, many are being forced to queue to die reluctantly daily thanks to the Wicked busy importing the virus into Singapore!

13 November (2304 new cases, 14 death cases (13 fully vaccinated)). Lower number of cases because less People being tested on Saturday? You decide!

12 November (3099 new cases, 14 death cases (13 fully vaccinated)). 11 November (2396 new cases, 8 deaths cases all fully vaccinated). 10 November (3481 new cases, 17 death cases all fully vaccinated).

You decide if those Unwise are really ST*P*D, they can’t bring down the daily new infected cases thanks to their non-stop importing of the virus & now want to go after the Unvaccinated by making them pay their COVID Medical bills. See the recent death cases, they are ALL fully vaccinated! Dear Big Bullies, if you can prove to us all vaccinations are safe, ALL of us will rush to get vaccinated, but till this day you can’t! Follow the fine example of the Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, please start suing those authors of these articles or get them to amend their contents under POFMA! See the Big Bullies are afraid of the “International” but can only bully “small flies” Singaporeans! Dear Daddy God, we pray that You please help us to fight the wicked oppressors, so that all the Nations may know that you, O Lord, are God alone! Do You think it is good for them to end up like prata (to eat with fish curry)? 8-D

9 November (3397 new cases, 12 death cases (11 fully vaccinated)). 8 November (2470 new cases, 14 death cases all fully vaccinated).

Please check if what the handsome Ong said here are reasonable. Thanks.

Foot my own COVID Medical bill if I’m not fully vaccinated? But I have not found a safe vaccine that has zero serious adverse effects yet! I’m too happy to die early! Shall I work in self-quarantine to stay safe?

Resuming more School activities? Not safe! See 100% of the death cases now are all fully vaccinated cases!

7 November (2553 new cases, 17 deaths all fully vaccinated). 6 November (3035 new cases, 12 deaths all fully vaccinated). Paediatric MIS-C Cases . 5 November (1767 new cases, 9 deaths all fully vaccinated). The fall in the number of cases today is likely due to fewer swabs being done over the Deepavali Public Holiday. 4 November (3003 new cases, 17 deaths all fully vaccinated). 3 November (3,635 new cases, 12 deaths (all fully vaccinated)). 2 November (3,496 new cases, 9 deaths (7 fully vaccinated)). 1 November (2470 new cases, 14 deaths (13 fully vaccinated)). We will not say “Welcome to Singapore” now, see the record high death cases everyday!


31 October (3163 new cases, 13 deaths (11 fully vaccinated)). 30 October (3112 new cases, 14 deaths (all fully vaccinated)). 29 October (4248 new cases, 16 deaths (15 fully vaccinated)). 28 October (3432 new cases, 15 deaths all fully vaccinated). 27 October (5324 new cases, 10 deaths (9 fully vaccinated)). 26 October (3277 new cases, 10 deaths (9 fully vaccinated)). 25 October (3174 new cases, 14 deaths all fully vaccinated)). Call 995? 24 October (3383 new cases, 15 deaths (6 fully vaccinated)). 23 October (3598 new cases, 6 deaths). Government Publication, From Expert Committee. 22 October (3637 new cases, 14 deaths). 21 October (3439 new cases, 16 deaths), Government Publication dated 21 October, 20 October (3862 new cases, 18 deaths). Look at how they handle this COVID crisis, with more People get vaccinated, here comes more being infected with more deaths! 19 October (3,994 new cases, 7 deaths), 18 October (2553 new cases, 6 deaths), 17 October (3058 new cases, 9 deaths), 16 October (3348 new cases, 9 deaths), 15 October (3445 new cases, 8 deaths), 14 October (2932 new cases, 15 deaths), 13 October (3190 new cases, 9 deaths), 12 October (2976 new cases, 11 deaths). 11 October 2021 (No. of Local Transmission: 2255), 10 death cases, 3 had been fully vaccinated (see item 2). Total number of COVID cases in Singapore: 129,229. 10 October (No. of Local Transmission: 2807), 9 death cases, 2 had been fully vaccinated (see item 2). Total number of COVID cases in Singapore: 126,966. 9 October (No. of Local Transmission: 3700), 11 death cases, 4 had been fully vaccinated (see item 2). Total number of COVID cases in Singapore: 124,157. 8 October (No. of Local Transmission: 3590), 6 death cases, 1 had been fully vaccinated (see item 2). Total number of COVID cases in Singapore: 120,454. 7 October (No. of Local Transmission: 3475), 3 death cases, 2 had been fully vaccinated (see item 2). Total number of COVID cases in Singapore: 116, 864. 6 October (No. of Local Transmission: 3562), 3 death cases (see item 2). Total number of COVID cases in Singapore: 113,381. 5 October (No. of Local Transmission: 3480), 9 death cases (4 had been fully vaccinated) (see item 2). Total number of COVID cases in Singapore: 109,804. 4 October (No. of Local Transmission:  2460), 8 death cases (5 had been fully vaccinated) (see item 2). Total number of COVID cases in Singapore: 106,318. 3 October  (No. of Local Transmission: 2049), 6 death cases (4 had been fully vaccinated) (see item 2). 2 October (No. of Local Transmission: 2350), 4 death cases (see item 2). 1 October (No. of Local Transmission: 2897), 8 death cases (2 had been fully vaccinated) (see item 2).


30 September (No. of Local Transmission:  2474), 2 death cases (see item 2). 29 September (No. of Local Transmission: 2258), 8 death cases ( 1 fully vaccinated) (see item 2). 28 September (No. of Local Transmission:   2226), 5 death cases (see item 2). 27 September (No. of Local Transmission:   1642), 2 death cases (see item 2). 26 September (No. of Local Transmission: 1934), 2 death cases (see items 2, 3). 25 September (No. of Local Transmission: 1440), 3 death cases (1 fully vaccinated) (see items 2, 3 & 4). 24 September (No. of Local Transmission: 1646), 3 death cases (2 fully vaccinated) (see items 2, 3 & 4). 23 September (No. of Local Transmission: 1491, 2 death cases (see items 2 &3). 22 September (No. of Local Transmission: 1453, 3 death cases (1 fully vaccinated) (see items 2, 3 & 4). 21 September (No. of Local Transmission: 1073, 3 death cases (see items 2, 3 & 4)). 20 September (No. of Local Transmission: 910, 2 death cases (see items 2 & 3). 19 September (No. of Local Transmission:  1009). 18 September (No. of Local Transmission: 1004, 1 death case (see item 2). 17 September (No. of Local Transmission: 934). 16 September (No. of Local Transmission: 906, 1 death case (see item 2)). 15 September (No. of Local Transmission:  804). 14 September (No. of Local Transmissions: 832). 13 September (No. of Local Transmissions: 597). 12 September (No. of Local Transmissions: 517). 11 September (No. of Local Transmissions: 550).

See item 2: Case 72986, a partially vaccinated 80-year-old Singaporean man dies of COVID-19 complications; death toll at 58 (10 September 2021). 10 September (573 new cases, total at 70,612).

See item 2Case 65636, a 62 year-old male Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 6 September 2021.

9 September (457 new cases, total at 70,039).

See item 2: Case 71194, a 93 year-old female Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 8 September 2021. 8 September (349 new cases, total at 69,582).

7 September (332 new cases, total at 69,233), 6 September (241 new cases, total at 68,901), 5 September (191 new cases, total at 68,660), 4 September (259 new cases, total at 68,469), 3 September (219 new cases, total at 68,210), 2 September (191 new cases, total at 67,991), 1 September (180 new cases, total at 67,800).


31 August (161 new cases, total at 67,620), 30 August (155 new cases, total at 67,459), 29 August (133 new cases, total at 67,304), 28 August (121 new cases, total at 67,171).

See item 5: Case 67918, an 80 year-old male Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 26 August 2021.

See Item 6: Case 68636, a 70 year-old female Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 27 August 2021.

See item 7: Case 68664, a 90 year-old female Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 26 August 2021.

27 August (122 new cases, total at 66,050), 26 August (116 new cases, total at 66,928).

See item 4: Case 66762, an 86 year-old male Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 24 August 2021.

See item 5: Case 67995, a 95 year-old female Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 25 August 2021.

25 August (120 new cases, total at 66,812), 24 August (116 new cases, total at 66,692).

See item 4: Case 67375, an 86 year-old female Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 23 August 2021. 23 August (98 new cases, total at 66,576).

See item 5: Case 67456, a 91 year-old female Permanent Resident, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 21 August 2021.

See item 6: Case 67630, an 87 year-old male Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 22 August 2021.

22 August (35 new cases, total at 66,478), 21 August (37 new cases, total at 66,443), 20 August (40 new cases, total at 66,406).

See item 4: Case 67178, an 82 year-old male Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 19 August 2021. 19 August (32 new cases, total at 66,366).

You see, Cases 67560 passed away on 16 August 2021, they refused to report until early morning 19 August 2021! Do you think they are hiding more COVID related death cases?

See item 4: Case 67560, a 64 year-old male Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 16 August 2021.

18 August (53 new cases, total at 66,334).

See item 4: Case 67329, a 90 year-old male Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 17 August 2021. He had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

17 August (53 new cases, total at 66,281), 16 August (53 new cases, total at 66,225), 15 August (53 new cases, total at 66,172), 14 August (58 new cases, total at 66,119).

See item 4Case 66875, an 84 year-old male Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 13 August 2021. 13 August (49 new cases, total at 66,061), 12 August (59 new cases, total at 66,012).

See item 3:   Case 66910, a 69 year-old male Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 11 August 2021. 11 August (63 new cases, total at 65,953). 10 August (54 new cases, total at 65,890), 9 August (72 new cases, total at 65,836), 8 August (78 new cases, total at 65,764).

See item 6: Case 65943, an 80 year-old female Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 7 August 2021. 7 August (81 new cases, total at 65,686).

See item 6: Case 67716, a 63 year-old male Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 5 August 2021. 6 August (97 new cases, total at 65,605), 5 August (95 new cases, total at 65,508).

See item 6Case 67610, a 79 year-old male Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 4 August 2021. 4 August (95 new cases, total at 65,410), 3 August (102 new cases, total at 65,315).

See item 6Case 66894, a 58 year-old female Singaporean, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 2 August 2021. 2 August (111 new cases, total at 65,213).

See item 6: Imported Case 67264, a 34 year-old male Ukraine national, has passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection on 1 August 2021. 1 August (121 new cases, total at 65,102).


31 July (120 new cases, total at 64,981), 30 July (139 new cases, total at 64,861), 29 July (133 new cases, total at 64,722), 28 July (136 new cases, total at 64,589), 27 July (139 new cases, total at 64,453), 26 July (135 new cases, total at 64,314), 25 July (125 new cases, total at 64,179).

After we protested over the web, they then uploaded the death case that happened on 24 July 2021. The deceased is Case 64342 (see item 5 https://www.moh.gov.sg/news-highlights/details/update-on-local-covid-19-situation-(24-july-2021)).

24 July (130 new cases, total at 64,054), 23 July (133 new cases, total at 63,924), 22 July (170 new cases, total at 63,791), 21 July (181 new cases, total at 63,621), 20 July (195 new cases, total at 63,440), 19 July (172 new cases, total at 63,245), 18 July (92 new cases, total at 63,073), 17 July (68 new cases, total at 62,981), 16 July (61 new cases, total at 62,913), 15 July (48 new cases, total at 62,852), 14 July (60 new cases, total at 62,804), 13 July (26 new cases, total at 62,744), 12 July (26 new cases, total at 62,718), 11 July (8 new cases, total at 62,692), 10 July (6 new cases, total at 62,684), 9 July (10 new cases, total at 62,678), 8 July (16 new cases, total at 62,668), 7 July (12 new cases, total at 62,652), 6 July (10 new cases, total at 62,640), 5 July (13 new cases, total at 62,630), 4 July (11 new cases, total at 62,617), 3 July (7 new cases, total at 62,606), 2 July (10 new cases, total at 62,599), 1 July (10 new cases, total at 62,589).


30 June (16 new cases, total at 62,579), 29 June (10 new cases, total at 62,563), 28 June (9 new cases, total at 62,553), 27 June (14 new cases, total at 62,544). See item 8: Cases 64255 has passed away… 26 June (17 new cases, total at 62,530), 25 June (20 new cases, total at 62,513), 24 June (23 new cases, total at 62,493), 23 June (22 new cases, total at 62,470), 22 June (18 new cases, total at 62,448). See item 11Case 63752, a 44 year-old male Singapore Permanent Resident, has passed away...21 June (16 new cases, total at 62,430), 20 June (11 new cases, total at 62,414), 19 June (21 new cases, total at 62,403), 18 June (16 new cases, total at 62,382), 17 June (27 new cases, total at 62,366), 16 June (24 new cases, total at 62,339), 15 June (14 new cases, total at 62,315), 14 June (25 new cases, total at 62,301), 13 June (13 new cases, total at 62,279), 12 June (21 new cases, total at 62,266), 11 June (9 new cases, total at 62,245), 10 June (13 new cases, total at 62,236), 9 June (4 new cases, total at 62,223), 8 June (9 new cases, total at 62,219), 7 June (14 new cases, total at 62,210, See item 9: Case 62680 passed away), 6 June (20 new cases, total at 62,196), 5 June (18 new cases, total at 62,176), 4 June (13 new cases, total at 62,158), 3 June (45 new cases, total at 62,145), 2 June (31 new cases, total at 62,100), 1 June (18 new cases, total at 62,069).


31 May (23 new cases, total at 62,051), 30 May (25 new cases, total at 62,028, Case 63382 passed away (see item 8)). 29 May (33 new cases, total at 62,003), 28 May (30 new cases, total at 61,970), 27 May (24 new cases, total at 61,940), 26 May (26 new cases, total at 61,916), 25 May (30 new cases, total at 61,890), 24 May (36 new cases, total at 61,860), 23 May (25 new cases, total at 61,824), 22 May (29 new cases, total at 61,799), 21 May (40 new cases, total at 61,770), 20 May (41 new cases, total at 61,730. Case 62687 passed away (see item 9)), 19 May (38 new cases, total at 61,689), 18 May (38 new cases, total at 61,651), 17 May (28 new cases, total at 61,613), 16 May (49 new cases, total at 61,585), 15 May (31 new cases, total at 61,534), 14 May (52 new cases, total at 61,503), 13 May (32 new cases, total at 61,451), 12 May (16 new cases, total at 61,419), 11 May (25 new cases, total at 61,403), 10 May (19 new cases, total at 61,378), 9 May (28 new cases, total at 61,359), 8 May (20 new cases, total at 61,331), 7 May (25 new cases, total at 61,311), 6 May (18 new cases, total at 61,286), 5 May (16 new cases, total at 61,268), 4 May (17 new cases, total at 61,252), 3 May (17 new cases, total at 61,235), 2 May (39 new cases, total at 61,218), 1 May (34 new cases, total at 61,179, Case 62573 passed away).


30 April (24 new cases, total at 61,145), 29 April (35 new cases, total at 61,121), 28 April (23 new cases, total at 61,086), 27 April (12 new cases, total at 61,063), 26 April (45 new cases, total at 61,051), 25 April (40 new cases, total at 61,006), 24 April (23 new cases, total at 60,966), 23 April (39 new cases, total at 60,943), 22 April (24 new cases, total at 60,904), 21 April (15 new cases, total at 60,880), 20 April (14 new cases, total at 60,865), 19 April (20 new cases, total at 60,851), 18 April (23 new cases, total at 60,831), 17 April (39 new cases, total at 60,808), 16 April (34 new cases, total at 60,769), 15 April (16 new cases, total at 60,735), 14 April (27 new cases, total at 60,719), 13 April (14 new cases, total at 60,692), 12 April (25 new cases, total at 60,678), 11 April (20 new cases, total at 60,653), 10 April (32 new cases, total at 60,633), 9 April (26 new cases, total at 60,601), 8 April (21 new cases, total at 60,575), 7 April (35 new cases, total at 60,554), 6 April (24 new cases, total at 60,519), 5 April (17 new cases, total at 60,495), 4 April (10 new cases, total at 60,478), 3 April (18 new cases, total at 60,468), 2 April (43 new cases, total at 60,450), 1 April (26 new cases, total at 60,407).


31 March (34 new cases, total at 60,381), 30 March (26 new cases, total at 60,347), 29 March (21 new cases, total at 60,321), 28 March (12 new cases, total at 60,300), 27 March (23 new cases, total at 60,288), 26 March (12 new cases, total at 60,265), 25 March (17 new cases, total at 60,253), 24 March (15 new cases, total at 60,236), 23 March (13 new cases, total at 60,221), 22 March (12 new cases, total at 60,208), 21 March (12 new cases, total at 60,196), 20 March (17 new cases, total at 60,184), 19 March (15 new cases, total at 60,167), 18 March (15 new cases, total at 60,152), 17 March (9 new cases, total at 60,137), 16 March (11 new cases, total at 60,128), 15 March (12 new cases, total at 60,117), 14 March (17 new cases, total at 60,105), 13 March (8 new cases, total at 60,088), 12 March (10 new cases, total at 60,080), 11 March (8 new cases, total at 60,070), 10 March (10 new cases, total at 60,062), 9 March (6 new cases, total at 60,052), 8 March (13 new cases, total at 60,046), 7 March (13 new cases, total at 60,033), 6 March (13 new cases, total at 60,020), 5 March (9 new cases, total at 60,007), 4 March (19 new cases, total at 59,998), 3 March (23 new cases, total at 59,979), 2 March (8 new cases, total at 59,956), 1 March (12 new cases, total at 59,948).


28 February (11 new cases, total at 59,936), 27 February (12 new cases, total at 59,925), 26 February (13 new cases, total at 59,913), 25 February (10 new cases, total at 59,900), 24 February (7 new cases, total at 59,890), 23 February (4 new cases, total at 59,883), 22 February (10 new cases, total at 59,879), 21 February (11 new cases, total at 59,869), 20 February (12 new cases, total at 59,858), 19 February (14 new cases, total at 59,846), 18 February (11 new cases, total at 59,832), 17 February (11 new cases, total at 59,821), 16 February (1 new case, total at 59,810), 15 February (9 new cases, total at 59,809), 14 February (14 new cases, total at 59,800), 13 February (9 new cases, total at 59,786), 12 February (18 new cases, total at 59,777), 11 February (12 new cases, total at 59,759), 10 February (15 new cases, total at 59,747), 9 February (11 new cases, total at 59,732), 8 February (22 new cases, total at 59,721), 7 February (24 new cases, total at 59,699), 6 February (26 new cases, total at 59,675), 5 February (25 new cases, total at 59,649), 4 February (22 new cases, total at 59,624), 3 February (18 new cases, total at 59,602), 2 February (19 new cases, total at 59,584), 1 February (29 new cases, total at 59,565).


31 January (29 new cases, total at 59,536), 30 January (58 new cases, total at 59,507), 29 January (24 new cases, total at 59,449), 28 January (34 new cases, total at 59,425), 27 January (25 new cases, total at 59,391), 26 January (14 new cases, total at 59,366), 25 January (44 new cases, total at 59,352), 24 January (48 new cases, total at 59,308), 23 January (10 new cases, total at 59,260), 22 January (15 new cases, total at 59,250), 21 January (38 new cases, total at 59,235), 20 January (40 new cases, total at 59,197), 19 January (30 new cases, total at 59,157), 18 January (14 new cases, total at 59,127), 17 January (30 new cases, total at 59,113), 16 January (24 new cases, total at 59,083), 15 January (30 new cases, total at 59,059), 14 January (45 new cases, total at 59,029), 13 January (38 new cases, total at 58,984), 12 January (17 new cases, total at 58,946), 11 January (22 new cases, total at 58,929), 10 January (42 new cases, total at 58,907), 9 January (29 new cases, total at 58,865), 8 January (23 new cases, total at 58,836), 7 January (33 new cases, total at 58,813), 6 January (31 new cases, total at 58,780), 5 January (28 new cases, total at 58,749), 4 January (24 new cases, total at 58,721), 3 January (35 new cases, total at 58,697), 2 January (33 new cases, total at 58,662), 1 January 2021 (30 new cases, total at 58,629).

