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Past cases: The Total COVID cases in Singapore should be (Total cases stated here + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! ) The rest of the Undercounting are indicated in red below & in this page : Year 2022 God’s warnings against wicked Rulers and Judges: Wisdom 6:1-11. Important note: All the death cases reported below are likely 99.9% fully vaccinated unless otherwise stated because the Big Bullies didn’t blow the trumpet telling the World that these death cases had not been vaccinated, thus absolving their liabilities that the non-vaccinated ask for death by refusing vaccination. 12 February 2022 (10,505 new cases, 8 death cases, 10,325 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 180 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=449570+10505=) 460,075 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet = 558,380! Thus (558380/5704000 total population) x100% = 9.8% of the Total Population has been infected! Total Imported cases = 21,516 (until 12 February 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 893 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078. http://www.china.org.cn/world/Off_the_Wire/2022-02/12/content_78045043.htm Daily Covid number exceeding 10,000 not unexpected: Singapore minister (13 February 2022) Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for keeping All in our Team safe! You see what he said! Putting aside whether the person who made this statement is sane or otherwise, but why those who are sick or die do not include him or his loved ones? From what he said, we can deduce that all others living in Singapore are not considered as People he should love! Daddy God, see the chaos they have created and the exorbitant high number of death cases, we want Justice, please teach us how to solve this crisis. Many Thanks.
11 February 2022 (9,930 new cases, 3 death cases, 9,771 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 159 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=439640+9930=) 449,570 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 21,177+159 = 21,336 (until 11 February 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 885+ 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078. http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/asiapacific/20220212/b5a77a4515e147549bc222537cffaa18/c.html Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for keeping All in our Team happily alive. The Total number of COVID cases until 11 February 2022 should be (449,570+ 16 undercounting + 98,289 tested positive by the serology tests) = 547,875. The total number of People in our TINY island is 5,704,000 (People in the Community and our Foreign Workers). See, the number of us became sick is almost 10% of the entire Population! It is now clear that there is nowhere in Singapore really COVID-FREE thanks to the Big Bullies & their Teams mismanagement of this crisis! You know the majority of us have taken NO part in their wicked deeds and have obtained NO benefit from any of their misdeeds. We pray that You help us to pacify All the Goodwill and give them calm as we wait patiently to see how the retribution will fall on the Wicked. Many Thanks.
10 February 2022 (10,686 new cases, 1 death cases, 10,542 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 144 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=428954+10686=) 439,640 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 21,177 (until 10 February 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 882+ 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078. http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/asiapacific/20220211/e02c570633b040a6bd0ba83a538098d4/c.html Army to deploy 100 soldiers to national call centre to help cope with Omicron surge (11 February 2022) With this, you can deduce if the Big Bullies have run out of control concerning the COVID situation in Singapore and have admitted defeat! Now they still refuse to listen to the People, insist on opening wide our Borders to import the virus! Please take good care of yourself and stay healthy, because we love you! 'Possible' to live with Omicron as severe cases remain low despite surge: Ong Ye Kung (8 February 2022) See the number of Daily new COVID cases in Singapore, we leave it to the Singaporeans and the World to gauge the sanity of the person who made this statement! Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for keeping us safe 24/7. We present the chaotic situation in Singapore to you and know that You will continue to protect ALL the Goodwill who have been faithfully obeying You in keeping Your Covenants. Many Thanks.
9 February 2022 (10,314 new cases, 4 death cases, 10,175 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 139 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=418640+10314=) 428,954 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 20,894 +139 = 21,033 (until 9 February 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 881+ 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078. https://english.news.cn/20220210/343928efa07f4435bc4056114436fe03/c.html
8 February 2022 (13,011 new cases, 3 death cases, 12,791 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 220 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=405629+13011=) 418,640 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 20,894 (until 8 February 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 877+ 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078. https://sg.news.yahoo.com/singapore-new-covid-cases-rises-to-13011-3-more-deaths-145437298.html https://thecrowdreview.com/2022/02/09/13011-new-covid-19-cases-in-spore-3-more-deaths/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CZuIPhCtm13/ https://singaporeuncensored.com/13011-new-cases-in-singapore-3-deaths/ MOH: ABOUT 31,500 ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUALS HAVE YET TO MAKE THEIR APPOINTMENTS FOR THEIR BOOSTER DOSE (8 February 2022) Fully vaccinated or otherwise, we just want to see you happily alive! We pray that whoever wants to receive the booster jab will be free from serious adverse effects. It is prudent to pray to God who created the entire Universe and ask for His advice first before you take the next step, because He loves you more than He loves himself!
7 February 2022 (7,806 new cases, 3 death cases, 7,629 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 177 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=397823+7806=) 405,629 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 20,496+177 = 20,673 (until 7 February 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 874+ 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078. https://latitudes.nu/news-data/singapore-reports-7806-new-covid-19-cases/
6 February 2022 (7,752 new cases, 3 death cases, 7,639 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 113 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=390071+7752=) 397,823 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 20,383+113 = 20,496 (until 6 February 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 871+ 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078. https://www.theswitzerlandtimes.com/singapore-reports-7752-new-cases-of-covid-19-3-deaths/ https://www.uktimenews.com/singapore-reports-7752-new-cases-of-covid-19-3-deaths/ https://theworldnews.net/sg-news/singapore-reports-7-752-new-covid-19-cases MOH: EMERGENCY DEPARTMENTS ARE ONLY FOR EMERGENCY CONDITIONS (6 February 2022) Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for keeping All in our Team safe round the clock. Look at this publication by MOH! You decide if the capacities of the Public Hospitals are on the verge of collapse thanks to the Big Bullies who have been importing the virus making countless sick! The Big Bullies just want the People to get vaccinated so as to absolve themselves the liabilities to care for them? When anyone becomes a COVID case, they just want him/her to stay at home in order not to take up precious hospital beds? The number of COVID cases in Singapore has been rising when the infected cases can’t find a proper resting place to isolate themselves? Just look that the size of the HDB Flats those Big Bullies has built for 80-90% of the People to stay, so expensive yet so small! Can any COVID case do his/her isolation & rest comfortably? Those wicked Big Bullies think that You have been sleeping or non-existent, please let us see Your justice done for the People. Many Thanks.
5 February 2022 (10,390 new cases, 5 death cases, 10,208 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 182 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=379681+10390=) 390,071 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 20,201+182 = 20,383 (until 5 February 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 868+ 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078. http://www.news.cn/asiapacific/20220205/61f481a5fb0b4d158294178b019d0f82/c.html https://singaporeuncensored.com/10390-new-cases-in-singapore-2-deaths/ MOH: EMPLOYEES AND STUDENTS DO NOT REQUIRE RECOVERY MEMOS TO RETURN TO WORK OR SCHOOL (5 February 2022) MOH: BOOSTER RECOMMENDATION FOR PERSONS WITH POSITIVE ANTIGEN RAPID TESTS (29 January 2022) Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for keeping everyone in our Team safe and shower us with Your everlasting love. You see this is the 2nd day the number of COVID daily new cases in Singapore is a 5-digit! The Big Bullies are being paid far more than any other Rulers in the World and they can create such a mess in Singapore by importing the virus and now they have failed/refused to make good the damage and have caused 868 deaths. Please help us to deal with the Big Bullies as the sight of them made us SICK! We beg You to teach us how to repair this chaos. Many Thanks.
4 February 2022 (13,208 new cases, 3 death cases, 13,046 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 162 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=366473+13208=) 379,681 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 20,039+162 = 20,201 (until 4 February 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 863 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078. https://sg.news.yahoo.com/new-covid-cases-in-singapore-tripled-13208-164057690.html http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/20220204/e75090b96e154d6397526148d87cf2ac/c.html ERRONEOUS ADMINISTRATION OF FOURTH DOSE OF COVID-19 VACCINE TO 103-YEAR-OLD (4 February 2022) This had caused her to pass away? Our sincere advice is: Find ways to keep your Elders at home to care for them if you really love them (as most of us are doing now) unless otherwise! You know any mistake of anyone can just cause serious injury or death as they are so vulnerable! Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for keeping everyone in our Team happily alive. You see the figures above and decide if the Big Bullies have made a total disaster out of this thanks to their serious mismanagement of the crisis! Please teach us how to repair the damage and let us see Your Blessings to those You love as we are determined to walk in Your ways. Many Thanks.
3 February 2022 (4297 new cases, 1 death case, 4087 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 210 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=362176+4297=) 366,473 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 19,829+210 = 20,039 (until 3 February 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 860 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078. http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/20220203/88dd341df22f419b95bd1ba9c0369c7a/c.html
2 February 2022 (3101 new cases, 1 death case, 2919 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 182 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=359075+3101=) 362,176 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 19,647+182 = 19,829 (until 2 February 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 859 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078. http://www.news.cn/asiapacific/20220202/39d091f4ce994899983f173221426857/c.html Updated Safe Management Measures for Religious Activities (Effective from 1 February 2022) Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for keeping everyone in our Team safe and sound. You see the Big Bullies, they have been busy importing the virus causing the total cases to surge by (362176 (above) - 129,229(11 Oct 2021)) = 232,947 from 12 October 2021 to 2 February 2022 (114 days), now they disallow ALL the Non-fully Vaccinated in Singapore to attend ALL Congregational Worship Services acceptable to You regardless of their religion (starting from 1 February 2022), which we know all of them are directed towards to worship You! If they are smarter, they should have allowed Worship Services for the Non-fully vaccinated only to protect them instead! We thank You that they have displayed their st*pidity to the World, as they have chosen deliberately to ignore Your presence, busy playing god and to anger the People! Since they have despised Your Laws and have chosen to infringe on Your Commandments, please show Your Power against them and do not let these Wicked mortals to prevail against You. Many Thanks.
1 February 2022 (6264 new cases, 3 death cases, 6120 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 144 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=352811+6264=) 359,075 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 19,503+144 = 19,647 (until 1 February 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 858 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078. http://www.news.cn/english/20220201/3e2ee0d3c4664819a5585ee6021e5e89/c.html See the comments from the People https://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/threads/1feb2022-record-daily-high-6264-new-case.6689419/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CZcAHZRtg0b/
31 January 2022 (4481 new cases, 1 death case, 4241 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 240 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=348,330+4481=) 352,811 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 19,503 (until 31 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 855 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078. http://www.china.org.cn/world/Off_the_Wire/2022-01/31/content_78022640.htm Doctors are now seeing these strange COVID symptoms
30 January 2022 (4498 new cases, 4226 (Local PCR + Local ART = Community + Dormitory) cases & 272 Imported (Imported PCR + Imported ART) cases were infected from unknown COVID sources of unknown locations). The Total number of COVID cases in Singapore(=343,832+4498=) 348,330 + undercounting + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! Total Imported cases = 18,991+272 = 19,263 (until 30 January 2022) have generated so many COVID cases including MANY who have died reluctantly in Singapore! Don’t you think the PAP Government is really “Fantastic + Excellent + Remarkable + AAA+….”? Total Death cases = 854 + 16 undercounting or direct/indirect related to COVID Newly found Omicron cases= NOT reported! Total number of Omicron cases in TINY Singapore until 20 January 2022 is 12078. http://www.news.cn/asiapacific/20220131/7c3a2cd875574f788332d4d166f931c9/c.html Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for keeping everyone in our Team safe and giving us the strength to persevere as we are determined to keep our Elders and Children away from the virus. You see the Big Bullies are really “fantastic” based on the facts stated here: The Big Bullies informed the World that they would “freeze all new ticket sales for VTL flights and buses for travel into Singapore from 23 December 2021 to 20 January 2022, both dates inclusive”, but the total number of imported cases within this period of 29 days = (Total number of imported cases till 20 January 2022) minus (that of until 22 December 2021) = 15,746—6320 = 9426. So the total number of Imported cases within these 29 days is around 1.5 times that from the beginning (when the COVID-19 virus has entered Singapore starting from 20 January 2000) till 22 December 2021. Now these Imported cases have caused the total number of COVID cases in Singapore to surge by (348,330-276720 =) 71,610 cases starting from 23 December 2021 till now (just more than 1 month). Is it true that those who named themselves as “scholars” but cannot perform in their professional capacities will bluff all the way through? But the smart Singaporeans are NOT stupid! Now Singapore is flooded with the Omicrons and the variants as shown in our earlier reports. Please come and deliver us from those Wicked and Deceitful Big Bullies. We beg You to keep ALL the Goodwill in Singapore and around the World safe. Many Thanks. Daily omicron COVID deaths now higher than peak of delta wave (29 January 2022) The latest Covid variant is 1.5 times more contagious than omicron and already circulating in almost half of U.S. states