28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C, 9 October 2022


Mass Readings from ETWN, USCCB, Universalis.

See our compilation with Pictures in Encouragements-310. 8-)

First Reading: 2 Kings 5:14-17 (Naaman being healed movie) ,

Responsorial: Psalm 98:1-4,

2nd Reading: 2 Timothy 2:8-13 &

Gospel: Luke 17:11-19, CCTNtv, Gospel Video.


Homilies, Angelus / Regina Caeli


C. Pope Francis I   (continue from previous page…)



Holy Mass Video (original sound). Homily Text.


First, walking together.  At the beginning of the account, there is no difference between the Samaritan and the other nine.  We only hear that they are lepers, who together, as a group, approach Jesus…Brothers and sisters, whenever disease and fragility are shared, barriers fall and exclusion is overcome.

This image is also meaningful for us: when we are honest with ourselves, we realize that we are all sick at heart, all sinners in need of the Father’s mercy…We would do well to set aside our own outer armour, our defensive barriers, and take a good bath of humility, mindful that all of us are vulnerable within and in need of healing.  All of us are brothers and sisters.  Let us remember this: the Christian faith always asks us to walk alongside others, never to be solitary wayfarers.  Faith always urges us to move beyond ourselves and towards God and our brothers and sisters, never to remain enclosed within ourselves.  Faith invites us to acknowledge constantly that we are in need of healing and forgiveness, and to share in the frailty of those who are near to us, without feeling ourselves superior.


... Today, the day in which Bishop Scalabrini becomes a saint, I think of emigrants.  The exclusion of emigrants is scandalous.  Actually, the exclusion of emigrants is criminal.  They are dying right in front of us, as the Mediterranean is the largest cemetery in the world.  The exclusion of emigrants is revolting, sinful and criminal.  Not opening doors to those in need – “No, we do not exclude them, we send them away” to camps, where they are exploited and sold like slaves.  Brothers and sisters, today let us call to mind these emigrants, especially those who are dying.  And those who are able to enter, do we welcome them as brothers and sisters or do we exploit them?  I simply pose the question.  


The second thing is giving thanks.  In the group of the ten lepers, there was only one who, realizing that he was cured, turned back to praise God and to show gratitude to Jesus.  The other nine were healed, but then went their own way, forgetting the one who had healed them. They forgot the graces given to them by God.  The Samaritan, on the other hand, makes the gift he received the first step of a new journey: he returns to the one who healed him; he goes back to Jesus in order to know him better; he enters into a relationship with the Lord.  His grateful attitude, then, is no mere act of courtesy, but the start of a journey of thanksgiving: he falls at Jesus’ feet (cf. Luke 17:16) and worships him.  He recognizes that Jesus is the Lord, that Jesus is more important than the healing he received.


This is a great lesson also for us, brothers and sisters, who daily benefit from the gifts of God, yet so often go our own way, failing to cultivate a living and real relationship with him.  This is a nasty spiritual disease: we take everything for granted, including faith, including our relationship with God, to the point where we become Christians no longer able to be amazed or to give thanks, lacking in gratitude and incapable of seeing the wonders of the Lord.  A woman I know used to say, “They are rose-water Christians”.  We end up thinking that all the gifts we receive each day are natural and due to us.  Gratitude, the ability to give thanks, makes us appreciate instead the presence in our lives of the God who is love.  And to recognize the importance of others, overcoming the dissatisfaction and indifference that disfigure our hearts.  It is essential to know how to say “thank you”.  To thank the Lord each day and to thank one another.

Pope Francis I (Homily, 9 October 2022)


Angelus, 9 October 2022

Angelus Video (American Sign Language), Angelus Text.


Today in Fabriano, Maria Costanza Panas (picture & translation), a Capuchin Poor Clare nun, will be beatified. She lived in the Monastery in Fabriano from 1917 to 1963, when she departed for Heaven. She welcomed anyone who knocked at the monastery door, instilling serenity and confidence in all of them. Seriously ill during her final years, she offered her sufferings for the Second Vatican Council, whose 60th anniversary of opening is the day after tomorrow. May Blessed Maria Costanza help us to always be trustful in God and welcoming toward our neighbour. A round of applause for the new Blessed!


Regarding the beginning of the Council 60 years ago, we should not forget the danger of nuclear war that menaced the world right at that time. Why don’t we learn from history? Even at that moment, there were conflicts and huge tensions, but the way of peace was chosen. It is written in the Bible: “Thus says the Lord: “Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls” (Jeremiah 6:16).


I assure you of my prayers for the victims of the mad act of violence that took place three days ago in Thailand. With deep emotion, I entrust their lives to the Father, especially the little children and their families.


And now let us turn to the Virgin Mary that she might help us be witnesses of the Gospel, enlivened by the example of the Saints.

Pope Francis I (Angelus, 9 October 2022)



Daily Blessings to You from Emmanuel Goh & Friends


Note: This webpage has many hyperlinks to the Vatican Webpage. The above extracts were compiled for your easy reading.

This Publication is aimed to encourage all of Goodwill around the World. It is not for business or profit purposes but it is our way to thank our Creator for His continuous blessings!


Compiled on 6 October 2019

Last updated : 16 October 2022, 17:38 SGT 



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