Published by: A Group of Catholics residing in different parts of #Singapore, working as #OneTeam with LoveSpore1965 & Professionals65.

1st Published on 19 April 2023.

Last updated: 15 November 2024, 20:38 SGT.

See Daily Encouragements.


Many of us have been Catholics since young. We just found this beautiful Sermon that NO Pope or any Priest talks about:

 The Little Number of Those Who Are Saved” (video) by St. Leonard of Port Maurice.

We are going to work diligently with ALL the gifts given by God with “fear and trembling”(cf. Philippians 2:12)  to secure our own salvation, as for those who have created this BIG MESS within the Universal Catholic Church, do you think you can be saved?


Uploaded on 15 November 2024:

The Sign Of The Statue | Jonathan Cahn


Shocking Twist on Pope Francis's Birthday: Lightning Strikes and Halo Disappears! (Dr Taylor Marshall)


COINCIDENCE? Lightning STRIKES Keys of St. Peter! (LSNTV)



Uploaded on 5 October 2024:

HERESY? 🔥Did Pope Francis deny Jesus Christ? - Dr. Taylor Marshall


Bishop Schneider to Pope: “Divine Revelation forbids this.”



Uploaded on 13-15 January 2024:

Fiducia Supplicans <- from the Vatican web (Wikipedia record).

Extracted from Wikipedia record:

“...Several episcopal conferences barred the blessings in their jurisdictions or asked priests to refrain from them, including the conferences of Benin, Congo-Brazzaville,[50] Hungary,[51] Malawi,[52] Namibia,[53] Togo,[50] and Zambia.[53] The Polish Episcopal Conference suggested only blessing "individual people living in complete abstinence".[54][55]

Forbidding blessings in the Archdiocese of Mary Most Holy in Astana in Kazakhstan, Archbishop Tomasz Peta and Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider denounced Fiducia supplicans for contradicting "divine revelation and the uninterrupted, bimillennial doctrine and practice of the Catholic Church".[56][57] Schneider added that Fiducia supplicans was a "great deception" and warned of "evil that resides in the very permission to bless [...] same-sex couples".[49] German cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller said that the declaraion was "sacrilegious and blasphemous",[58] and that the Catholic Chuch "cannot celebrate one thing and teach another".[49] Cardinal Robert Sarah, former prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, called the declaration "a heresy that seriously undermines the Church".[59]

Sviatoslav Shevchuk, the Major Archbishop of Kyiv–Galicia and Primate of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, stated that the declaration concerns purely the Latin Church and had no legal force in 23 autonomous Eastern Catholic Churches.[60][61]

Several figures associated with traditionalist Catholicism rejected the declaration, including Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States,[62] and YouTube commentator Taylor Marshall.[63]”

⚠️African Bishops say NO⚠️ Pope Francis in AGREEMENT❗️ Fr. Mark Goring, CC

Ukrainian Catholic Church REJECTS Fiducia Supplicans

Catholic Church in Uganda denies same-sex blessings

The World Over January 11, 2024 | "BLESSINGS" CONTROVERSY: The Papal Posse with Raymond Arroyo


The Pope of Woke Rides Again! The evil document "Fiducia Supplicans-Fr Stanislaus Of Guadalupe, FMCD

Fiducia Supplicans - THE SCANDAL - Fr. Mark Goring, CC

Same-Sex Blessing | Reaction and Response To Fiducia Supplicans

Fr. Chris Alar Explains That We Bless the Sinner but Cannot Bless the Sin

Same-sex, blessing? No. Confusion, fear, repentance, truth. Yes.


Vatican Scandal Exposed: Did Cardinal have a Secret Sex Book? (Dr Taylor Marshall)

Shocking Twist on Pope Francis's Birthday: Lightning Strikes and Halo Disappears! (Dr Taylor Marshall)

The Shocking Truth: How Sexual Sins Create a Gateway for Demonic Possession (Dr Taylor Marshall)

The #1 Sin That Invites Demonic Possession: Dr. Taylor Marshall w Dr. Dan Schneider

TOP 5 SINS Leading to DEMONIC Possession - Dr. Taylor Marshall #1045

Did Pope Francis approve GAY BLESSINGS? Jesuit Mind Tricks

Why did Pope Benedict Resign? McCarrick, Vigano and Vatican Bank Scandals Explained in Detail

Pope Francis Evicts Cardinal Burke! Dr Taylor Marshall Podcast

Bishop Strickland Responds Personally - Dr. Taylor Marshall Podcast


Texas Bishop Removed by Pope Francis Sets the Record Straight | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 205

The Pope Blesses Same-Sex Couples - The Becket Cook Show Ep. 148


Uploaded on 29 November to 2 December 2023:

THE MESSAGE OF FATIMA <- from Vatican web.

These are the comments by many concerning the Missing Seer Sister  Lúcia de Jesus Rosa dos Santos & the Imposter & the REAL 3rd Secret of the Fatima Message:

See The 'Sister Lucy Truth' Project. The Imposter has been declared “venerable” by Pope Francis on June 22, 2023. Twitter.

Sister Lucia of Fatima and the Woman who Replaced her: The 'Sister Lucy Truth' Project

Sister Lucy Truth answers Church Militant: Was the true Fatima Seer replaced with an Imposter?

Sister Lucia of Fatima: The Evidence of the existence of the imposter

Malachi Martin: A Fake Sister Lucia Was Used To Bury The Fatima Message

Our comments: Based on what presented in this video, they had hidden the REAL Sister Lucia (Visionary of the Fatima Apparitions) in India. Daddy God, please show Your Mighty POWER to the World & flip through those Convents/ Monasteries as we are determined to locate the REAL Sister Lucia. Can the Catholics in India please help to do this as God is on our side!  No matter how they had hidden her, she could not just disappear in the air! We must find ways to dig out the TRUTH!

Did Malachi Martin Leak The Real Third Secret Of Fatima?

Padre Pio on Third Secret of Fatima: False Church and Great Apostasy (Dr Taylor Marshall)

All You Need to Know About the Third Secret | Chris Ferrara

Did the 3rd Secret of Fatima Prophesy the Synod? Dr. Edmund Mazza Explains!

The Real Third Secret of Fatima


Uploaded on 29 November 2023:

From the Messages given by the Blessed Virgin Mary in Her Apparitions in Akita, Japan, you decide if She was describing what is happening in our Universal Catholic Church now:

The Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Akita, Japan,

A Message From Our Lady - Akita, Japan to Visionary Sr. Agnes Sasagawa (Video Presentation by Fr. Chris Alar. Reference: Saint Faustina’s Diary paragraphs 298-299, Naaman’s healing from Leprosy).

Extracts of Our Lady’s message on October 13, 1973:

"The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres...churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.

"The demon will be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will be no longer pardon for them"


Uploaded on 27 November 2023:

Look, the chaos happen in our Universal Catholic Church now had been prophesied by Our Lady of Good Success hundreds of years back, Her messages were conveyed to/via the Visionary Venerable Mariana de Jesús Torres: Messages, Messages, Messages.

Extracted from Page 6:

Our Lady of Good Success was quite clear on what would be the demise of the Catholic Church—the general theme--a lax and perverse clergy. Certain members of the Catholic clergy would become as thieves stealing that Tabernacle light…thieves that would steal what is rightfully ours by virtue of our baptism in the Catholic Church—our Faith. They would rob us of Doctrine, Dogma and Tradition—ransacking the Church as it were leaving us in total darkness without even as much as the light of the Sanctuary Lamp (which signifies the presence of the Holy Eucharist---Jesus Christ, Himself). Our Lady of Good Success went into great detail to explain what the five reasons were for the extinguishing of the light.

Extracted from Page 7:

Our Lady of Good Success could foresee that there would still be some good, faithful religious that would be willing to suffer all for the salvation of souls and sustenance of the Holy Catholic Church. “The secular clergy will leave much to be desired because priests will become careless in their sacred duties. Lacking the divine compass, they will stray from the road traced by God for the priestly ministry, and they will become attached to wealth and riches, which they will unduly strive to attain. How the Church will suffer during this dark night! Lacking a prelate and a father to guide them …many priests will lose their spirit, placing their souls in great danger.” (12)

The poor priestly souls that would be left to uphold the Church would suffer greatly.

“Against them the impious will rage a cruel war, overwhelming them with vituperations, calumnies and vexations in order to stop them from fulfilling their ministry. But they, like firm columns, will remain unswerving and will confront everything with a spirit of humility and sacrifice with which they will be vested, by virtue of the infinite merits of my most Holy Son, Who will love them in the innermost fibers of His Most Holy and Tender Heart.(13)


Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe,

We thank You for always loving us and renew Your Love for us each day. We found out what have been published to the World below and our hearts are filled with sadness… We have never imagined that the Universal Church being saved by the Passion of Christ on the Cross could fall into such a pathetic state and wicked People who deny and betray Christ could be placed in positions of authority in the Church to continue with their acts of darkness, deceiving and victimising Your Sheep...

We offer our distress and this chaotic situation to You as we strive to walk in Your Ways. Let Your Light shine upon us always and hold us close to Your Heart that we may always obey You and never let the Graces and Good Luck that You have showered upon us become weapons to fight You or being used by the Enemy. We love You and beg You to be our powerful support should we be weaken as we strive to do Your Will and make progress in the path of love and service in humility. Our only wish is we can resemble You more and more each day and You will find us faithful and fruitful when we meet You face to face later. Many Thanks.


In obedience to God, we will pray to the Holy Trinity everyday starting from 18 August 2023 (last updated on 27 November 2023):

Dear Holy Trinity,

Thank You for Your Mercy and Protection… We pray that You now & forever let us be fully possessed by the Holy Spirit and be addicted to You as we want to fully belong to You and the Blessed Virgin Mary our Mother (cf. John 19:25-27). Let us be a Blessing wherever we go… We want to offer up All we own and possess to do Your Work so that Your Will be done on Earth as in Heaven and Everywhere we go… (cf. Matthew 6:9-13).

Now we will say these prayers to drive out Satan and all the evil spirits in the Universal Catholic Church as commanded by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (cf. Mark 16:17-18):

We say the Unity Prayer (audio, audio) and the Precious Blood Prayer  (“Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world.” 500 times if possible) as advised by Fr. Jim Blount (Flame of Love of IHM webpage) to BLIND Satan and for Deliverance. We then pray the Our FatherHail MaryGlory be & the Saint Michael Prayer. Then we say this:

“In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and Saviour, we bind you now Satan & all other evil spirits; with the Spirit of the Living God, and in the name of Jesus Christ, we cut your powers off. You wicked Spirits, we curse your seeds, we curse your roots! Go out and NEVER enter into the Universal Catholic Church, the Precious Body of Jesus Christ again.

We then read Ephesians 1:17-23 & Ephesians 2:3-7.

In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, we now declare WAR against you Satan & evil spirits, you are destined to FAIL and we are destined to Claim VICTORY against you as there are more on Our Side (cf. 2 Kings 6:15-19); the number of God’s Angels is at least double of yours under the Leadership of Saint Michael! ALL the Saints in Heaven and those working on Earth curse you and everyone belongs to you round the clock! In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, we rejoice as we will enjoy God’s Blessings mentioned in Deuteronomy 28:1-14 and let the curses of the Almighty God mentioned in Deuteronomy 28:15-68 fall and stick onto you and ALL belong to you 24/7!


Now God abides with us here. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, you are forbidden to touch whatever He owns under His Dominion and the Universal Catholic Church is His “exclusive” possession! God laughs at you (cf. Psalm 2:4) as your end is near! In the name of Jesus Christ, Saint Michael and God’s Angels will chase after you aggressively until there is NO Breathing space for you and we demand you to restore us back 7-fold (cf. Proverbs 6:30-31) for whatever damage you have done to His Church!


In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, Be Off Satan and evil spirits, Saint Michael and God’s Team of Angels will kick you back to hell for you to stop all your LOSER tricks against us! Now we command you in the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour to kneel down before Him (cf. Philippians 2:9-11) and kiss the floor!


Dear Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour, let us be covered by Your Precious Blood everyday of our lives and be protected from All evil and harm. Thank You Jesus, Praise You Jesus!”


Updates on 12 November 2023:

EXCLUSIVE: Bishop Joseph Strickland Breaks His Silence After His Removal by Pope Francis

Our comments: Fantastic! You see who has been removed from office again! We need someone to compile a list of the many Good Religious who have been removed (as they want to stay faithful to God’s Laws and Christ’s Teachings) to share with ALL the Catholics around the World over the Web. Let’s pray more aggressively to fight this Darkness within the Universal Church!

Pope Francis removes Bishop Strickland! - Dr. Taylor Marshall Podcast


Updates on 16 to 30 October 2023:

Vigano Archbishop SHAMES Pope Francis and Bishops! (Dr. Taylor Marshall)

Archbishop Viganò - An Unprecedented Apostasy (Caritas in Veritate)

Archbishop Vigano Makes BIG Announcement

Archbishop Viganò Reveals the Spiritual Battle We're Facing!

The real reason people backed away from Archbishop Viganò


WARNING - Cardinal Zen's Leaked Synod on Synodality Letter to the Bishops


Updates on 12 October 2023:

2 MAJOR ISSUES at the Pope's October Synod


Synod on Synodality | What’s The Worst That Could Happen?


They're Openly Calling For Changing The Faith At The Synod


Synod on Synodality (EWTN Playlist)


St Michael The Archangel Will Cast Out The Church's Demons | Archbishop Vigano


Good Bishops SPEAK OUT About Diabolical Synod!


UPDATE: The Synod Idol Is Worse Than We Thought


Smiling Francis GIFTED W/ Idol Of Demon That Slays Priests



Updates on 7 October 2023:



References to encourage us:

Our Lady of the Rosary (short video). The Miracle of the Sun In Fatima (October 13, 1917) Documentary. The Miracle Of Our Lady Of Fatima (1952) (movie).

Our Lady of Good Success Prophesies of Our Times - Part 1: The Flame of Love by Fr. Jim Blount

Our Lady of Good Success: Our Hope for the Future Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.


Updates on 4 October 2023:

5 Cardinals Question Pope Francis on 5 Controversies

Did Pope Francis just approve Same-Sex Blessings?

🔥⛪️ Polish Church burned after Priest Scandal!


Updates on 2 October 2023:

"And We Must Resist!" (Another Diocesan Priest Speaks Out) 21 September 2023


SCANDALOUS! Is Pope Francis dismissing Bishop Strickland?


Bishop Strickland: "Stand Firm in Your Faith" on the Eve of Synod


Are Catholics heading to Schism this Fall?


Muslim Steals Catholic Eucharist - Archbishop Cites Vatican 2


Ex-Cardinal McCarrick Charges Dropped, judged unfit to stand trial on sexual assault charges


Eucharistic Abuse at World Youth Day? Jesus in Plastic Crates. Plus interview


Mayan Mass in Mexico: Bishops APPROVE IT!


Did Pope Francis validly Consecrate Russia? Dr. Marshall and Kennedy Hall Discuss


I stopped defending Pope Francis w/ Joe Heschmeyer


Pope Francis Call For Civil Union Law for Same-Sex Couples



Updates on 21 September 2023:

Priest (Fr. Jim Blount) Sees Vision Of The ANTICHRIST!

Warning! This is the #1 False Prophet Alive Right Now… (Larry Sparks)





Click “Next” for earlier records…


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