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Published by: A Group of Catholics residing in different parts of #Singapore, working as #OneTeam with LoveSpore1965 & Professionals65.
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Updates on 18-22 August 2023: From The Fatima Centre: An Unholy Alliance: the UN, Soros, and the Francis Papacy - Elizabeth Yore Liz Yore: The New World Order Pope and Building the Resistance Movement The End Game of Pope Francis - Christopher Ferrara
Updates on 16-17 August 2023: World Youth Day priest leads demonic symbol ritual: What does this mean? (9 August 2023) https://twitter.com/Tr1dentine/status/1688705444057927680 https://twitter.com/PRTrad1/status/1688642890044452864 https://twitter.com/EsquireCatholic/status/1691814028362867093 We will let the Catholics around the World to comment in YouTube and/or Twitter. Thanks.
Updates on 14 August 2023: German Bishops Exposed!?? #shorts Chilling Warnings to Heretics! #shorts
Updates on 12 August 2023: The World Over July 13, 2023 | NEW CARDINALS & SYNOD DELEGATES: The Papal Posse with Raymond Arroyo Fr. Gerald Murray on the Upcoming Synod and the Eucharistic Revival
Updates on 3 August 2023: This Priest Got Kicked Out After He Delivered This Sermon! Priest's Warning To Fake Catholics! Priest's Strong Condemnation Of Lukewarm Catholics! Updates on 16 July 2023: Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, thanks for loving us. You see the videos below and advise us what’s going on, we beg You to protect us and deliver us from this chaotic situation (?). Many Thanks. 🔥 Scandal Alert: Pope Francis Appoints "OPEN-MOUTH 💋 KISS" Bishop to Oversee Doctrine at Vatican! (6 July 2023) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-orMMFaJP_0 Mysterious Death of Cardinal Pell (Demos) (20 June 2023) Viganò explains the Deep Church (21 June 2023)
Updates on 1 June 2023: Did Fr. Pavone post "blasphemous communications" on social media? | Dr Taylor Marshall Pope Francis cancels Fr. Pavone and covers for degenerate Jesuit | as claimed by Dr Taylor Marshall
Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, please protect and guide our Pope from possible error and guide all his decisions so that he will remain faithful in proclaiming Your words with his words and deeds. Many Thanks.
Updates on 17 May 2023: 4 REASONS WHY POPE BENEDICT XVI RESIGNED - The Mystery Solved! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WFhO7ZdhR8 Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, please advise on the above-mentioned video. We offer this chaos within the Universal Church to You, please help us to be always obedient to You and faithful to the Church Teachings. Many Thanks.
Updates on 8 May 2023: Amoris Laititia (from the Vatican web): Chinese (China) pdf https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/zh_cn/apost_exhortations/documents/papa-francesco_esortazione-ap_20131124_evangelii-gaudium.html Chinese (Taiwan) pdf https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/zh_cn/apost_exhortations/documents/papa-francesco_esortazione-ap_20131124_evangelii-gaudium.html Gloria tv Interview with Cardinal Burke Amoris Laetitia produces confusion https://youtu.be/jvfkOICdsQc Does Amoris Laetitia by Pope Francis contain error? Wikipedia record https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amoris_laetitia
See this article presented by CatholicBridge.com, it is for you to comment. We are still trying to find out the TRUTH on what have really gone wrong within the Universal Church. We pray that we are able to contribute to repair the damage with God’s help.
Updates on 28 April 2023: Expert on Clerical Abuse Resigns (EWTN, 21 April 2023) Top anti-abuse expert sets record straight on resignation from Vatican body (18 April 2023) Extracts: “For me this is not an alternative because it would mean confusing teamwork with complicity, discretion with cover-up, and loyalty with servility,” he said, and reiterated the concerns he voiced in his original statement on the importance of transparency, compliance, and accountability.
These points “are essential in the fight against abuse,” he said, saying transparency is “the basis of a synodal church that allows the participation of many,” while compliance is “the basis of justice whereby the rules apply to all and in the same way and not in an arbitrary way,” and responsibility is “the basis of a mutual and fraternal respect.”
“When there is a lack of transparency, compliance, and responsibility, it opens the door to abuse and cover-up. The Pontifical Commission has set out to combat these terrible realities. If it wants to do it in a credible way, it cannot help but focus on these same principles,” he said.
Zollner said there were no abuses inside of the commission, but in terms of the commission accomplishing its goal, he said “it doesn’t help” if transparency, compliance, and responsibility are not lived. ———————————————————————- Head of papal academy sparks new row with euthanasia remarks (25 April 2023) https://cruxnow.com/vatican/2023/04/head-of-papal-academy-sparks-new-row-with-euthanasia-remarks The Pontifical Academy for Life said Monday its president is against assisted suicide but thinks it is possible to have a “legal initiative” that would allow it to be decriminalized in Italy under “specific and particular conditions.” (Harald Malaysia Online, 25 April 2023) Pontifical Academy for Life Clarifies Stance on Assisted Suicide | EWTN News Nightly (25 April 2023)
Updates on 26-27 April 2023: ‘What is Christianity’: A reader’s guide to Benedict XVI’s last book https://www.pillarcatholic.com/p/what-is-christianity-a-guide-to-benedict-xvis-last-book WORLD OVER - 2023-01-26 - NEW BOOK BY BENEDICT XVI, DISNEY IN DECLINE?, PRIESTS TARGETED IN NIGERIA The late Pope Benedict XVI has released his book to expose the corruption of seminaries and the disobedience of bishops… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yb9woHttilM Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, we thank you for Your faithful love and protection towards us. Please let us know whether these published in the web recently are true: Was Satan Enthroned at Vatican in 1963? Here are some of the related publications: https://www.tldm.org/news/martin.htm http://www.chiesaviva.com/451%20mensile/451%20mensile%20ing.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8yohM48DJc On 22 June 1983, there was the Disappearance of Ms Emanuela Orlandi recorded in Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Emanuela_Orlandi Dear Daddy God, we love You. Please help us to obey You always. We trust in Your Mighty Power to execute Justice for the Weak and those who are voiceless. As for us, we will hide in the Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary as this is the only place the enemies are NOT present. We will pray with Mother Mary and do penance whenever we can. Please let us see Your wonder deeds against the enemies again like what You have done for the Israelites in times of old. Many Thanks.
Updates on 25 April 2023: Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for loving us and telling the TRUTH all the time. We heard many Catholics have been talking about the “Pachamama” incident in the Vatican around early October 2019. Please see the videos that we have extracted over the web: video, video. These are some of the comments that we have extracted: Fr. Mitch Pawca on Pachamama idol worship https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yT2i-Vkerms and others here: Pachamama Returns! New "Ritual" in Brazil's Synodality Mass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bc-r7uVYCJA Dear Daddy God, do You think what they have done concerning the idols are acceptable to You?
Updates on 23 April 2023: Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for loving us and teaching us Your Ways. See what’s happening now concerning SAME-SEX UNION BLESSINGS! Are they trying to test You concerning Leviticus 18:22 & Leviticus 20:13? All these mess they have created is beyond what we can handle and is causing us daily distress, please help us to remove the wicked and send us Righteous People to repair the damage and rule the Church. Many Thanks.
WORLD OVER - 2023-03-16 - SAME-SEX UNION BLESSINGS?, 10 YEARS OF POPE FRANCIS'S PONTIFICATE The German Church & Homosexuality | EWTN News In Depth February 3, 2023 The Jewish Community Reacts to US Senate Voting on Same Sex Marriage Bill | EWTN News Nightly (30 November 2022) Viganò SLAMS new Blessings approved by Belgian Bishops - Dr. Taylor Marshall Podcast (24 September 2022) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fj60ZOGyvh0 Demonic Infiltration: Priest Desecrates Altar with 2 Women (12 October 2020) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuFaCPoDxuY
Updates on 22 April 2023: Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe, Thanks for giving us Your Love, Peace and Joy. We found these publications below concerning the late Cardinal George Pell. Please let us know if he was really being framed before he was sent to jail and was he really died of natural causes. Please protect us and remove the wicked who have created all these mess. Many Thanks.
Did EX-Cardinal Becciu Bribe €700K to Set Up Cardinal Pell? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7W5S8rD6pYw Pope Francis Fires Cardinal Becciu & Cardinal Pell Strikes Back: 5 FACTS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHbiuCrIzG0 Cardinal Pell Talks Vatican Bank Corruption Dr Taylor Marshall Show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SP-tuEO_QPY Cardinal Pell has died in Rome - Dr. Taylor Marshall responds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4AW9VTqCws Mystery Cardinal Revealed (and now he's dead) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_z4g37WWLTU
Updates on 21 April 2023: Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI's essay on worldwide abuse scandal - ENN 2019-04-11 Vatican defrocks former cardinal Theodore McCarrick - ENN 2019-02-18 The Man Accusing Pope Francis "Does Seem to Have a Lot of Credibility" - ENN 2018-08-27 The Vatican Drops Criminal Charges on its Former Auditor General - ENN 2018-07-10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeJKVFlIIHk Former Head of Vatican Bank Faces Embezzlement Charges - ENN 2018-03-05 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-Ycciu03ok Vatican Secretary of State Approved the Controversial Purchase of Real Estate Property in London https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYy8UwM7GbQ
Updates on 19 April 2023: World Over - 2018-08-30 – SPECIAL The Viganò Testimony, Edward Pentin with Raymond Arroyo World Over - 2020-11-12 - (Subtitled) EXCLUSIVE! Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano with Raymond Arroyo World Over - 2020-11-12 - The Papal Posse with Raymond Arroyo The World Over December 15, 2022 | PAPAL POSSE/PERSONS OF THE YEAR with Raymond Arroyo The World Over March 2, 2023 | McElroy Controversy: Most Rev. Paprocki & Most Rev. Naumann The World Over March 16, 2023 | SAME-SEX UNION BLESSINGS? Cardinals Burke & Muller w/Raymond Arroyo