What’s Heaven Liked?


This Webpage was 1st launched on 19 October 2024.

Twitter X Post https://x.com/Michael65413248/status/1847478020455747743

Last updated: 11 March 2025, 08:33 SGT. See Section 1 below.

Compiled with our Benefactor Ms Bridget Goh.

Important note: We have listed the articles, videos here as we find them useful. We take NO Part in encouraging Donations or Marketing any CDs or books…Thanks for following us.


This webpage is created to encourage All who are grieving after losing a Loved One & All who are interested to reach Heaven after they leap forward into Eternity...


What have been compiled below are used for our own reference and to give life to ALL…


1.   Heaven

Catholic Encyclopedia: Heaven


Following Padre Pio new updates


Miracles and Prophecies of Saint John Bosco new updates


The 700 Club new updates


Revelations from Heaven Show (Randy Kay Playlist) new updates

After Dying She Sees How God Allocates Rewards (Maria Davis)


What Heaven is Like: What God has Revealed - Explaining the Faith

The Rapture: Is it Biblical? - Explaining the Faith (Fr. Chris Alar)

What Happens at Death: Please Be Prepared! - Explaining the Faith (

Fr. Chris Alar)

Reference: Fr. Steven Scheier and the Parable of the Fig Tree


Amazing Tour of Heaven - Jesus, Angels, Animals, Children, Homes, etc. (John Fenn)

What God Does for This Autistic Boy Will Leave You in Tears!

Dale Black Plane Crash: After Death Experience (Survives to Tell The Tale)

Fatal Plane Crash Near Death Experience (Mystery Family Greets Him) 


Don Bosco’s Vision of Heaven (Playlist)



Body Parts from Heaven & Creative Miracles

Creative Miracles Still Happen! | Sandra Kennedy | It's Supernatural with Sid Roth

A Voice from Heaven Told Me This Secret to Unlock Miracles… (Roger Sapp)

"100,000 Documented Miracles"

Is there a "body parts room" in Heaven?

If This Miracle Wasn't Caught on Film, No One Would Believe It

Heaven Body Parts (Playlist)


I DIED AND WENT TO HELL - Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel.


Heaven: An Unexpected Journey with Jim Woodford (Playlist)

Gary Wood on It's Supernatural with Sid Roth - Heaven

Heaven & Angels (Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!Playlist)

Heaven Encounters (Supernatural Stories Playlist)

Heaven Encounters with Randy Kay by ISN (Playlist)


Near Death Experiences (Real Stories) Playlist 

Revelations from Heaven Show (Randy Kay Playlist)

Italian Immigrant Dies and Meets Jesus Face-To-Face (Sarah Gardner)

Amazing Tour of Heaven - Jesus, Angels, Animals, Children, Homes, etc. (John Fenn)

Jesus Healed This Man From HIV Following After Death Experience (Mark Nelson)


Shortcuts to gain entry ticket into Heaven .

Be Charitable in Thoughts, Words & Deeds (see Matthew 25:31-46). Read Matthew 25 (audio).

Do Not TURN AWAY from your Relatives who need your help to stay alive (see 1 Timothy 5:8). Read 1 Timothy 5 (audio).

For Baptized Christians especially Religious, Pastors who have been saved by the Passion of Christ; and yet still deliberately committing Sins to harm others and Christ’s Church, this is what God says to you:  See Hebrews 6:4-8. Read Hebrews 6 (audio).

DO NOT pay back Evil for Good (See Proverbs 17:13).

Attend Holy Mass. See the Promises.

Pray the Rosary. See the Promises.

Honouring the Blood that Christ had lost on the way to Calvary and His Crucifixion. See the Promises which includes Plenary Indulgence.

Say the Prayers revealed by Jesus Christ to St Bridget to honour His wounds caused by 5480 blows inflicted onto Him. See the Promises and other details. We are the Reason.

Honouring the Sacred Heart of Jesus. See the Promises.

Pray the St. Michael Chaplet. See the Promises & Prayer samples.

List non-exhaustive. We will list down our new findings later 8-)


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2.   Purgatory

Catholic Encyclopedia: Purgatory


November: Month of the Holy Souls (Playlist) (Following Padre Pio)

Padre Pio's Profound Teachings on Purgatory: A Conversation with Gerardo De Caro

Why Souls in Purgatory Visited Padre Pio in Greater Numbers than the Living

How Padre Pio Prayed Souls Out of Purgatory: A Powerful Story for All Saints' Day

Padre Pio shows how Holy Souls Repay Kindness (Purgatory)

Padre Pio: Novena To Our Lady of Deliverance Of The Poor Souls - November Month Of The Holy Souls In Purgatory (Playlist)

November: Month of the Holy Souls (Playlist)


Maria Simma (profile)

Extracts from her Profile:

Some important things that the holy souls have taught her over the years

The holy souls have repeatedly told her that the greatest help for them that they can obtain from those here on earth is the offering of holy Mass. Next to the Mass, the holy Rosary and the Stations of the Cross are very beneficial to them.  Any sacrifice we make--even the smallest ones-- offered specifically for them have a great value in the eyes of God, and greatly lessen their sufferings and time in purgatory.  The poor souls have told her that even the smallest prayer or sacrifice is like giving a cool glass of water to a parched sojourner travelling in the driest desert…

The greatest complaint from the souls in Purgatory- Abandonment by their loved ones
According to Maria, the greatest "complaint" of the souls in Purgatory is how they are almost completely forgotten by their family and loved ones--that rightly complain that
they receive no spiritual help from those they themselves helped so much during life! How few prayers are ever offered up for them--even at their funerals! Yet prayer is precisely what they need the most! All the beautiful memorials, celebrations, tattoo's etc done and given in their honour, while they may be good intentioned, in reality do nothing for them and in no way help to relieve them of their suffering/purification.  

- Can you give me an example of where a very small prayer made a very big difference?

...When his station came by and he left the compartment, I simply prayed under my breath, "Jesus, do not let this soul get lost." And now that he was with me, he told me that that tiny prayer had saved him from getting lost for all eternity."


The Truth from Maria Simma (profile): What the Souls of the Dead Revealed About the Afterlife (Go to 48:00 to know what it means to refuse to do what the Soul’s desire with regards to his/her property).


3 things that hinder ANGELIC ACTION in your life!


The DEVIL does this all the time, until you learn his trick

The DEVIL desires this even more than SIN!

The FALSEHOOD that can cause you the most self-harm


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3.   Hell

Catholic Encyclopedia: Hell


“The Little Number of Those Who Are Saved” (video) by St. Leonard of Port Maurice.


Is Unforgiveness the Fast Track to Hell? (Randy Kay Ministries)


Is Hell Empty? Don Bosco's Vision Reveals the Answer (Full Account)

Evil Woman Saved from the Jaws of Hell by Don Bosco | Ep. 28

To Hell and Back, a dream of Saint John Bosco, FILM clip, Mary's Dowry Productions

Fatima children - vision of Hell.

Saint Jacinta's Vision of Hell according to Lucia (FILM CLIP)

Our Lady’s Weapon (From a dream of Saint Don Bosco)


Howard Pittman's Near Death Experience (Playlist)


4 Sections of Hell according to Thomas Aquinas (by Dr Taylor Marshall)

The Shocking Truth: How Sexual Sins Create a Gateway for Demonic Possession

The #1 Sin That Invites Demonic Possession: Dr. Taylor Marshall w Dr. Dan Schneider


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What Jesus Showed Him in Heaven Will Make You Weep… (Wayne Fowler)

Reference: Awesome God by Michael W. Smith – lyrics