4th Sunday of Lent, Year A, 19 March 2023

Note: Homilies & Angelus / Regina Caeli of Pope Saint John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI & Pope Francis I had been compiled for you after the Mass Readings below. Happy Reading!

Liturgical Colour: Pink.


Mass Readings from ETWN, USCCB.

See our Mass Readings extracts with pictures in Encouragements-389. 8-)

First Reading: 1 Samuel 16:1, 6-7, 10-13,

Responsorial: Psalm 23:1-6 ,

2nd Reading: Ephesians 5:8-14 &

Gospel: John 9:1-41 (or John 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38) , CCTNtv, Gospel Video.



John Chapter 9 (video)

The New Exodus | Venerable Fulton J. Sheen

Humanity of Christ | Venerable Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

What is Man? | Venerable Fulton J. Sheen

Trust in God’s Plan – Venerable Fulton J. Sheen


Please refer to https://twitter.com/Michael65413248 for some latest record. Take care, put on your facemask and stay healthy, because we love you! 8-)

How to avoid Long COVID? new

How to take good care of your cute elderly at home so that they are protected from COVID, remain healthy and you won’t get worried or distressed?


1. Criminal Investigation Department, Singapore Police Force harassed Law-abiding Citizen.

Latest! https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/status/1510086218851270658 (2 April 2022)

#Singapore Police Force harassing the same law abiding business owner again from 92298844, 97397514, 83487591, 96645914, 63914706, 82825465, 97378102, 90360045, 92981234! They can’t perform to contain COVID, so they bully to appear busy? Shameless? You decide!

2. See another Police case to frame against the Innocent!

Please spread the News to help them who commit no crime. Many Thanks.

Till this day, the harassment continues and there is no apology from the Rulers and no compensation paid for damages inflicted.

3.  See the Bloggers went MISSING before / after the Singapore General Election on 10 July 2020. Please pray for their safety as we search for them actively. Many Thanks.

4. Please pray for this elderly Catholic Lady who has been victimised & harassed by her sister (also a Catholic) & her sister’s husband. Thanks.

5. Do you want this kind of “pastoral care”?  Latest updates!


Homilies, Angelus / Regina Caeli


A. Pope Saint John Paul II  


Homily, 14 March 1999

See our compilation with Pictures in Encouragements-389. 8-)


Angelus, 14 March 1999

See our compilation with Pictures in Encouragements-390. 8-)


Angelus, 10 March 2002

See our compilation with Pictures in Encouragements-390. 8-)


Angelus, 6 March 2005

See our compilation with Pictures in Encouragements-390. 8-)


B. Pope Benedict XVI   


Angelus, 2 March 2008

See our compilation with Pictures in Encouragements-391. 8-)


Angelus, 3 Angelus 2011

See our compilation with Pictures in Encouragements-391. 8-)


C. Pope Francis I  


Angelus, 30 March 2014

See our compilation with Pictures in Encouragements-391. 8-)


Angelus, 26 March 2017

At the centre of the Gospel this Fourth Sunday of Lent we find Jesus and a man blind from birth (cf. John 9:1-41). Christ restores his sight and performs this miracle with a type of symbolic ritual: first, He mixes dirt with saliva and spreads it on the blind man’s eyes; then, He orders him to go and wash in the pool of Siloam. The man goes, washes, and regains his sight. He was blind from birth. With this miracle, Jesus manifests himself, and He manifests himself to us as the Light of the World. The man blind from birth represents each one of us, who was created to know God; but due to sin has become blind; we are in need of a new light; we are all in need of a new light: that of faith, which Jesus has given us. Indeed, that blind man in the Gospel, by regaining his sight, is opened to the mystery of Christ. Jesus asks him: “Do you believe in the Son of man?” (v. 35). “And who is he, sir, that I may believe in him?”, the healed blind man replied. “You have seen him, and it is he who speaks to you” (v. 37). “Lord, I believe”, [the blind man said,] and he prostrated himself before Jesus.


This episode induces us to reflect on our faith, our faith in Christ, the Son of God; and at the same time, it also refers to  Baptism, which is the first Sacrament of faith: the Sacrament which makes us “come to the light”, by being reborn through the water and through the Holy Spirit; as happens to the man born blind, whose eyes are opened after being cleansed in the water of the pool of Siloam. The man born blind and healed represents us when we do not realize that Jesus is the light; he is “the Light of the World”, when we are looking elsewhere, when we prefer to entrust ourselves to little lights, when we are groping in the dark. The fact that the blind man has no name helps us to see our face reflected and our name in his story. We too have been “illuminated” by Christ in Baptism, and thus we are called to behave as children of the light. Acting as children of the light requires a radical change of mind-set, a capacity to judge men and things according to another scale of values, which comes from God. The Sacrament of Baptism, in fact, requires the choice of living as children of the light and walking in the light. If I were to ask you: “Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God? Do you believe that he can change your heart? Do you believe that he can show reality as he sees it, not as we see it? Do you believe that he is light, that he gives us the true light?”. How would you answer? Each of you, respond in your heart.


What does it mean to have the true light, to walk in the light? First of all it means abandoning false lights: the cold, vain light of prejudice against others, because prejudice distorts reality and ladens us with aversion to those whom we judge without mercy and condemn without appeal. This is our daily bread! When you gossip about others, you do not walk in the light, you walk in shadows. Another false light, because it is seductive and ambiguous, is that of self-interest: if we value men and things on the basis of usefulness to us, of pleasure, of prestige, we are not truthful in our relationships and situations. If we go down this path of seeking self-interest, we are walking in shadows.


May the Blessed Virgin, who was the first to welcome Jesus, the Light of the World, obtain for us this grace of welcoming anew the light of faith this Lent, rediscovering the inestimable gift of Baptism, which all of us have received. And may this new illumination transform us in attitude and action, so that we too, beginning with our poverty, our narrow-mindedness, may be bearers of a ray of the light of Christ.

Pope Francis I (Angelus, 26 March 2017)


Note: As we have been busy helping People suffering from the Long COVID Symptoms especially the Elderly, repairing the damage, thus we will only be able to do the extracts later. See the exorbitantly huge number of Active cases in Singapore, so please be vigilant and put on your facemasks faithfully as many others have died of Pneumonia too (even with Pneumococcal vaccination) . We love you and want to see you healthy and fully alive. See you later...


Angelus, 22 March 2020

Angelus Video. Angelus Text.


Angelus, 19 March 2023

Angelus Video (American Sign Language). Angelus Text.


Daily Blessings to You from Emmanuel Goh & Friends


Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord


Note: This webpage has many hyperlinks to the Vatican Webpage. The above extracts were compiled for your easy reading.

This Publication is aimed to encourage all of Goodwill around the World. It is not for business or profit purposes but it is our way to thank our Creator for His continuous blessings!


Compiled on 14 March 2020, 17:00 SGT

Last updated: 25 March 2023, 18:38 SGT




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