主日和平日弥撒 :


Everyday, we say the Unity Prayer (audio, audio) and the Precious Blood Prayer  (“Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world.” 500 times if possible) as advised by Fr. Jim Blount (Flame of Love of IHM webpage) to BLIND Satan and for Deliverance (before Satan screws up our day). See the Prayers in Chinese below (translated from English):




Memorial of the Most Holy Name of Jesus on 3 January.

On the Holy Name of Jesus by St. Alphonsus (video), The Wonders Of The Holy Name Of Jesus, Father Paul O'Sullivan, Full-Length Catholic Audiobook, Litany Of The Most Holy Name Of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 1000× the Name of Jesus (sung in Hebrew).

Eucharistic Miracle (Wikipedia)

The Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano. The Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano.

Miracle at Lourdes (video taken at the time of the miracle)

Eucharistic Miracles– Presented by St Philip Institute

Eucharistic miracle in Poland | EWTN News Nightly

3 Scientifically Proven Eucharistic Miracles

The Eucharistic Miracle Many Didn't Know About!

Inspired By Blessed Carlo Acutis - Scientific Evidence of Eucharistic Miracles

Explaining the Faith - Eucharistic Miracles: Scientific Proof

Faith Prevails: The Miracle of Bolsena || A Eucharistic Miracle Film

The Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires: Part 1, Part 2.

The Veil Removed - Film.

Heart Beating Eucharist, Mexico! Further Analysis Reveals Amazing Similarity to Heart Ultrasound!

Heart Rate of Guadalajara Eucharistic Miracle? A Cardiologist's Perspective

The Beating Host in Guadalajara: A Eucharistic Miracle via Blessed Carlo for Eucharistic Revival?

Padre Pio: Visit and pray with him before the Blessed Sacrament…

Muslim Boy Receives Holy Communion and It Changes His Life




Dear Saint Thomas Aquinas, Thanks for your compilation of the Saints’ Teachings based on the Gospel Readings, we have been searching since 2008 not knowing that you had already done this beautiful work far beyond our expectations. Many Thanks.


Daily Mass Readings > universalis.com , ewtn.com , usccb .


Daily Catholic Holy Mass Live online.

National Shrine, St. Thomas the Apostle West Springfield, Divine Healing & Retreat Centre, Sydney Australia (with Morning Prayer (Samples: Books of Ezra, Chronicles, Job, Proverbs), for reference you may use these FREE Online Bibles, Audio & Visual Bibles), Daily TV Mass, EWTNDivine Retreat Centre Colombo, SSPX District of Asia.

Graces derived from Assisting at Holy Mass

The Order of Holy Mass   


Daily Chinese Mass

Fr. Francis Ching


天主教之聲, Daily Mass online (Playlist).


St. John the Apostle Parish 聖若望宗徒天主堂 - Vancouver BC

新加坡天主教总教区华文教务委员会 (Playlist).


You want this kind of “pastoral care”? Latest updates


Pope Saint John Paul II Webpage new


Mother Angelica Live Classics Playlist by EWTN. Thanks.


What appeared here previously can be found under “References” of Encouragements-Part 4. Thanks for following us.


Note: As we have been busy helping People suffering from the Long COVID Symptoms especially the Elderly, repairing the damage, thus we will only be able to do the extracts later. See the exorbitantly huge number of Active cases in Singapore, so please be vigilant and put on your facemasks faithfully as many others have died of Pneumonia too (even with Pneumococcal vaccination) . We love you and want to see you healthy and fully alive. See you later...

Please refer to https://twitter.com/Michael65413248/with_replies for some latest record.


The QUICK FIX for any illness under the Sun when you really believe in God’s Power! This part was first launch on 28 May 2023.


DEFEAT Dementia New


Important Note

After praying to God for direction, we were instructed to do this: Starting from 14 August 2023, we will only upload the Masses Online that we have heard and from trusted sources to ensure that we are not being used involuntarily to do marketing for Religious in the hierarchy who act with duplicity and have caused harm to the Church. The Universal Catholic Church has already suffered immeasurable damage (Twitter) and many Good Priests & Religious who voiced out the facts (to warn others) have been kicked out of office but others who form the majority have refused to utter a word and have chosen to remain SILENT… All these damage inflicted on the Church overwhelmed us; we are going to pray aggressively to fight this Battle, offer them to God and focus on Jesus ONLY to preserve our sanity! With God, All Things are possible and the Ultimate Victory will be His!

The Poem of the Man-God by Maria Valtorta (FREE Download & Audio). The Poem of the Man-God Playlist.



After much research, we have compiled the Mass Readings, Saints’ Commentaries and others that we find useful to share with you. You need to login to Twitter X to see all the Posts:

Latest updates, Latest Media Posts

Other Useful updates here <-starting from 1 Sept. 2024.

2025: Ordinary Time, Lent,

2024: Ordinary Time , Lent , Easter , Advent & Christmas

2023: Ordinary Time, Lent , Easter, Advent & Christmas

2022: Ordinary Time, Lent & Easter, Advent & Christmas

2021: Ordinary Time, Lent , Easter, Ordinary Time, Advent & Christmas

2020: Advent & Christmas . The earlier Posts have been archived by Twitter X.


Please see the above Posts for latest updates. Thanks for following us...

09.12.2024: Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Feast of Saint Juan Diego, Hermit & Saint Peter Fourier and All the Saints listed here.


Daily Mass Readings & Saints’ Commentaries


Our Lady of Guadalupe (video), Story of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Saint Juan Diego (movie), Tilma of Juan Diego (video), Music discovered on the Tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe (1 hour loop, 10 hour loop), Juan Diego: Messenger of Guadalupe (cartoon), 4 things to know about Saint Juan Diego, Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in CDMX (video), A Pilgrimage to Mexico and The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe (video).

Saint of the Day a Day Dedicated to | St. Peter Fourier (video), St Peter Fourier - Saint of the Day (video).

08.12.2024: 2nd Sunday of Advent, Year C


Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to celebrate tomorrow.  Feast of Saint Eucharius and All the Saints listed here


In 1854, Pope Pius IX's solemn declaration, "Ineffabilis Deus," (Publication) clarified with finality the long-held belief of the Church that Mary was conceived free from original sin.

The Immaculate Conception of Mary (cartoon), The Immaculate Conception Explained (video). Mother Angelica Live Classics - Immaculate Conception (video). YESI'LL SAY YES.


07.12.2024: Feast of Saint Ambrose (Wikiquote), Saint Maria Giuseppa Rossello (quotes) and All the Saints listed here. Saint Ambrose of Milan | Stories of Saints (cartoon), SAINT AMBROSE - Walking with the Saints (cartoon), Who was St Ambrose of Milan? (video), St Ambrose of Milan, part 1part 2 (video). Maria Giuseppa Rossello (Spanish video).


Daily Mass Readings & Saints’ Commentaries


06.12.2024: Feast of Santa Claus Saint NicholasSaint María del Carmen Sallés y Barangueras and All the Saints listed here Story of Saint Nicholas - Part-1Part-2 (cartoon), Saint Nicholas: The Real Story (2015) | Full Movie. Nicholas: The Boy Who Became Santa | The Saints and Heroes Collection (cartoon). Pope Benedict XVI on St. Carmen Salles y Barangueras (video), St. Carmen Sallés, an advocate of high quality education for women (video).


Daily Mass Readings & Saints’ Commentaries


05.12.2024: Feast of Saint Sabbas the SanctifiedSaint Gerald of Braga,  Saint John Almond (martyr) and All the Saints listed here Saint Sabbas the Sanctified (video), The Monastery of Saint Sabbas in Palestine - A Pilgrimage (video).


Daily Mass Readings & Saints’ Commentaries


04.12.2024: Feast of Saint John of Damascus, Priest, Doctor of the Church, Saint Barbara, Saint Clement of Alexandria, Saint Giovanni Calabria and All the Saints listed here Who Was St. John Damascus? (video), The Orthodox Faith (An Exact Exposition Of The Orthodox Faith-St John Of Damascus-Catholic Audiobook.

Story of Saint Barbara | Stories of Saints (cartoon), St. Barbara HD (video). Saint Clement of Alexandria (video), The Paedagogus (The Instructor) By Saint Clement Of Alexandria (Church Father & Theologian) - Book I, Fragments By Clement Of Alexandria (video). Saint John Calabria (video), The life St. John Calabria and the Poor Servants of Divine Providence (Documentary).


Daily Mass Readings & Saints’ Commentaries



03.12.2024: Feast of Saint Francis Xavier, Priest and All the Saints listed here. Story of Saint Francis Xavier | English | Story of Saints (video), Xavier: Missionary and Saint (2006) (video), Grace, Guts & Glory ... Life of St Francis Xavier (movie).


Daily Mass Readings & Saints’ Commentaries


02.12.2024: Feast of Saint Bibiana and All the Saints listed here. Saint of the Day: December 2nd - Saint Bibiana (audio), 2 December/ ST. BIBIANA/CATHOLIC SAINTS SERIES (video), Saint Bibiana | Voice of Saints | December 02 (video).


Daily Mass Readings & Saints’ Commentaries


01.12.2024: 1st Sunday of Advent, Year C.


Feast of Saint Eligius, Saint Alexander Briant, Saint Edmund Campion, Saint Thomas Garnet, Saint Ralph Sherwin and All the Saints listed here. Saint Alexander Briant - 40 Martyrs of England and Wales (film clip), The Arrest of Saint Alexander Briant, English Martyr (video). St. Edmund Campion (video), The Horrific Execution of Edmund Campion (video). Saint Thomas Garnet (video). Saint Ralph Sherwin (video).




30.11.2024: Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle and All the Saints listed here Story of Saint Andrew (cartoon), The Story of Saint AndrewSaint Andrew's Day.


Daily Mass Readings & Saints’ Commentaries


29.11.2024: Feast of Saint Saturnin of ToulouseSaint Francis Anthony Fasani, All Saints of the Seraphic Order and All the Saints listed here Feast of Saint Saturnin of ToulouseSaint Francis Anthony Fasani, All Saints of the Seraphic Order and All the Saints listed here


Daily Mass Readings & Saints’ Commentaries


28.11.2024: Feast of Saint Catherine LabouréSaint James of the Marches, Priest and All the Saints listed here. The Miraculous Medal webpage. St. James of the Marches | Obscure Saint (video), Saint James of The Marches | Voice of Saints (video), James of the Marches (Franciscan Saints) | Capuchin Franciscans (video).


Daily Mass Readings & Saints’ Commentaries


27.11.2024: Feast of  Saint Vergilius of SalzburgSaint Congar of CongresburySaint Humilis of Bisignano and All the Saints listed here St Virgilius of Salzburg (video). Meekness Is Weakness? St. Humilis of Bisignano (video).


Daily Mass Readings & Saints’ Commentaries


26.11.2024: Feast of Saint Leonard of Port Maurice, OFM, Priest, Saint John Berchmans and All the Saints listed here Homily 11-26-2010 - St. Leonard of Port Maurice, OFM. , Saint Leonard of Port Maurice , Inspiring Saints I Saint Leonard of Port MauriceQuotesQuotesQuotesSt. John Berchmans Playlist.


Daily Mass Readings & Saints’ Commentaries


25.11.2024: Feast of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin, Martyr, and All the Saints listed here. A Woman of Wisdom and Courage: St. Catherine the Great Martyr of Alexandria (movie). The Lives of the Saints - St. Catherine of Alexandria (video).


Daily Mass Readings & Saints’ Commentaries



24 November 2024: Solemnity of Jesus Christ the Universal King


Feast of Saint Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest, Martyr and His Companions, MartyrsSaint Théophane Vénard and All the Saints listed here. St. Andrew Dung-Lac and Companions (video). Cloud of Witnesses: St. Theophane Venard (video), St. Theophane Venard’s Quotes, his last letter to his father.




Wisdom of the Saints (Playlist).


The Miraculous Medal



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