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This webpage was 1st launched on 11 December 2020, 19:54 SGT. Last updated: 7 August 2023, 21:38 SGT. If you find these webpages useful, you may buy our Consultants a drink. 8-)
On the Holy Name of Jesus by St. Alphonsus (video), The Wonders Of The Holy Name Of Jesus, Father Paul O'Sullivan, Full-Length Catholic Audiobook, Litany Of The Most Holy Name Of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Saint Catherine Laboure (Patron Saint of the Elderly, the Infirm) St. Catherine Laboure and the Miraculous Medal (movie) Miraculous Medal Catherine Laboure Part 1, Part 2. The Power of the Miraculous Medal [a true life story] The Miraculous Medal and Our Lady's Promise Miraculous Medal Shrine #1: Miraculous Medal Story Where to get the Medal? Call +65 9338 4746 to get a FREE Medal from us in Singapore or buy at very low cost at Carlo Catholic Society, Singapore.
("Am I not here, I who am your mother?") - Our Lady of Guadalupe. Music discovered on the Tilma from Our Lady of Guadalupe (1 hour loop). Did you experience God’s Protection and Peace when you listened to this? 8-D
This part was first launch on 28 May 2023: The QUICK FIX for any illness under the Sun: After cooperating with the Doctor on the treatment, you may adopt the following as we have found them Effective even in desperate cases: 1. Watch the Daily Online Masses and let the Patient receive Holy Communion frequently (applicable only when the Patient is a Catholic), 2. Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet round the clock in the Presence of the Patient and/or 3. Pray the Rosary round the clock in the Presence of the Patient. 4. Strive to live in total obedience to God, Pray over the Sick (as and when necessary) by taking these commands of Jesus seriously and you will see the miraculous healing taking place right before your eyes; either slowly or immediately: Mark 16:17-18, Matthew 10:7-8, John 14-12-14, Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 10:7-8 etc. Samples of Prayers: You may copy what the Priests have done in their Healing Ministries: https://www.youtube.com/c/FrRoniGeorgeVC/featured https://www.youtube.com/c/DRCColombo This is what we have been doing recently: Pray the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be. Then say this: “In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and Saviour, I command you (names of Sickness) to leave (Patient’s name) NOW and NEVER return to him/her again. (Patient’s name) belongs to Heaven and is destined to be a Saint! Dear Lord Jesus, cover (Patient’s name) and us with Your Precious Blood and deliver us from All evil, so that we can continue to do Your Work with Peace and Joy. Amen.” If the illness is caused by evil spirits such as Cancer: Pray the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be and the Saint Michael Prayer. Then say this (sample from this video starting from 34:00): In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and Saviour, Devil of Cancer, I bind you now with the Spirit of the Living God, and in the name of Jesus Christ, I cut your power off. You wicked Spirit, I curse the seeds of Cancer, I curse the root of it! In the name of Jesus Christ, now be healed from the crown of your head to the tip of your toes. Thank you Jesus! Praise you Jesus! See more in our Defeat Dementia webpage... References: Believer's Authority (video) | Billye Brim (References: Ephesians 1:17-23 , Ephesians 2:3-7, Roman 5:17.) Hunter Classics: How to Heal the Sick with Charles & Frances Playlist Search through the entire Bible yourself, has Jesus said “NO” to anyone who begged Him to heal? NEVER! Remember always that our Lord Jesus Christ who has started His Healing Ministry over 2000 years back has never stopped working aggressively to heal us and our beloved Mother Mary has been busy praying and helping us non-stop. See the list of Healings among us recently.
How to take good care of your cute elderly at home so that they remain healthy and you won’t get worried & distressed? In this webpage, we have listed the hyperlinks to many useful articles for your and our quick reference. Follow their recommendations with discretion and consult your doctor if you are in doubt, as we are not medical professionals and we accept no liability on what stated in these articles. We pray that you will always remain joyful with your sense of humour while taking care of your elderly, remember to seek help if needed... Welcome to beautiful Singapore! 8-D
How to keep your cute Elderly at home safe from COVID virus? See here. Latest!
See this tweet dated 11 February 2021: Babysit your precious “loved ones” (young or elderly?) part-time when you need to work at home/office? We have such arrangements for all our Buddies! Contact 93384746 during Office hours for details! https://emmanuel-maria.com.sg Please call if you want to help too! Thanks.
Updated on 3 May to 20 June 2022: My Elderly at home refuses to take the medications and I’m distressed! How? Pray to God & keep your cool! You are sure to win this “Battle of Wits”! Here’s the quick fix: “Eat by instalment” i.e. let the Patient take 1-2 tablets every hour, it will make them feel less daunting when you space out the time. If necessary, coat the medication with sugar-free jam! If the Patient still refuses to cooperate: Put All the medications together to be taken at the appointed time and pound them into powder, then hide it in his/her favourite food. To reduce the bitter taste, use powdered Stevia to counteract the bitterness. Please limit the use of Stevia, as consuming too much Stevia will cause a laxative effect! How about converting them into yummy Hot Chocolate or Fruit Juice? Click below for reference… 8-D If your Elderly has some constipation problem, you may replace the sweetness of 2 teaspoons of stevia with 5ml of Lactulose which may be a better alternative. Important note: Some Elderly have found to end up having diarrhoea for a few days after consuming 10ml or more Lactulose within a single day! Please do this in an incremental manner to avoid possible harm/damage! How to balance the five flavour elements Extracts: Saltiness balances against bitterness. Our input: Does the Patient need to take Trajenta (bitter taste tablet) to lower the blood sugar and Sodium Bicarbonate (salty taste capsule) for Alkali Therapy? If he is unable to swallow the medications, then pound the Trajenta, open up the Sodium Bicarbonate capsule and mix them together with “sugar free” Jam will make it more palatable. The Art of Flavouring: How to mask the taste of different Medications Elder Care Tips: “Hiding” Medication in Food and Drink Effective techniques for masking medicine The Best Foods to Disguise Crushed Meds In How to Crush Pills Safely and Correctly Which tablets should never be crushed? Making Medication taste better How to Reduce Bitter Taste - 9 Ways to Reduce Bitter Taste in Any Food - Fitness and Nutrition Guide How to Reduce Bitterness in Food HOW DOES STEVIA AFFECT BLOOD SUGAR? Can stevia benefit people with diabetes? The low-down on low-calorie sweeteners Does Stevia Affect Blood Sugar? Does Stevia Raise Blood Sugar? Researchers unravel how stevia controls blood sugar levels
110 Activities for Elderly & Seniors Lockdown Activities for an Elderly Loved One HOW TO KEEP YOUR ELDERLY LOVED ONES BUSY AND ACTIVE 21 Fun Activities for the Elderly in Singapore 7 Tips for Keeping Seniors Busy and Active 9 Enjoyable Activities for Seniors with Limited Mobility
Why Do Hospitals Say Not to Drink Green Tea With Prescription Medication? Can you take medicine with tea?
Frequent Constipation Take I capsule of Probiotic Health Supplement NOT more than 1 time a day in order not to end up having continuous diarrhoea or having other undesirable side effects. Allow at least 1 day break before you feed the Patient another capsule to avoid possible diarrhoea. Please read this Probiotics: What You Need To Know and Consult the Patient’s Doctor before you let him consume to ensure safety. The 17 Best Food to Relieve Constipation Which foods are good for constipation? 12 Foods to Eat for Constipation Relief Forlax 10g Macrogol 4000
The 16 Best Foods to Control Diabetes 5 Foods People Should Eat Every Day to Help Prevent Diabetes Simple Steps to Preventing Diabetes Which Foods Should I Eat to Prevent Diabetes? 6 natural ways to prevent diabetes before it starts Choose More than 50 Ways to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes What are the best foods for people with diabetes? 10 foods that can help prevent diabetes Linagliptin, sold under the brand name Tradjenta 0302 糖尿病患勿嚐”禁果”花生.腰果.開心果 第177集-2│88健康有方│三立財經台CH88 What You Should Know About Fruit for a Diabetes Diet? Are grapes good for diabetics? Cherries for Diabetes: Should They Be Part of Your Diet? 【健康】藥吃越多身體越差?名醫教你不吃藥降三高:甩開洗腎、遠離癌症!ft.江守山醫師、路怡珍|下班經濟學203
The 9 Best Foods and Drinks to Have Before Bed Which foods can help you sleep? The Best Foods to Help You Sleep 17 Sneaky Foods That Make You Sleepy Foods That Help or Harm Your Sleep Slideshow Top 10 Foods That Help You Sleep
Consequences of eyelid squeezing on intraocular pressure Natural Ways to Lower Eye Pressure
Natural Remedies for Urinary Retention 6 helpful tips for managing urinary retention and incontinence Urinary retention treatment, prevention, and home remedies Treatment of Urinary Retention Preventing post-operative urinary retention
Gout Diet: Foods to Eat and Those to Avoid Best Diet for Gout: What to Eat, What to Avoid Gout diet: What's allowed, what's not Which Foods are Safe for Gout?
10 Foods That Help Lower Cholesterol 7 Foods to Skip if You're Trying to Lower Your Cholesterol 11 High-Cholesterol Foods — Which to Eat, Which to Avoid A Guide to the Best and Worst Foods for Cholesterol Levels 15 Worst Foods for High Cholesterol Foods with high cholesterol to avoid and include Tea and cholesterol: What’s the connection?
10 ways to control high blood pressure without medication The 17 Best Foods for High Blood Pressure Eating with High Blood Pressure: Food and Drinks to Avoid DASH Diet and High Blood Pressure Fifteen good foods for high blood pressure Beating high blood pressure with food Foods That Are Good for High Blood Pressure
Clopidogrel - Uses, Side Effects, and More Clopidogrel, Oral Tablet: Should not crush tablet & take with Diabetic Drugs & omeprazole. Crushed clopidogrel administered via nasogastric tube has faster and greater absorption than oral whole tablets.
HoME+ (Home Monitoring and Eldercare) by Singapore Red Cross
Can any smart Medical Doctor / Psychiatrist please help?
Updates on 30 January 2021, 8:30 SGT Do you know how the elderly Patient ended up with Serious Dementia? From early December 2020, whenever she was admitted to this Hospital: Every night, they tied her to the bed facing the ceiling, it is so tight that she couldn’t even turn her body when she slept and they tied her to the Geriatric Chair when she was awake! The Nurses cited that they have tight manpower and they want to prevent Patient’s fall, which we can’t comment! If your loved ones are those active type, you can imagine what will happen to them under such conditions! Updates on 29 January 2020, 3:29 SGT The Patient was admitted to the Hospital again as she has started to throw things (she has never exhibited such behaviour in the past) on 16 January 2021 morning. The family members told the Doctor that such actions could be due to the serious adverse effects of taking Mirtazapine (15mg) at night, but the Doctors denied. The Patient has also started on Rivastigmine / Exolon Patch on 17 January 2021 after admission. On 28 January 2021, the Doctor told the Patient’s family that the Patient has serious Dementia Problem. Now the Patient is unable to walk steadily even with a walking stick. Her condition is even worse than the day she was admitted again on 16 January 2021. Look here, this Elderly supposed to have constipation treated, now ended up having walking problem with serious Dementia in this Singapore Government Hospital. The Patient’s family contacted the Hospital “Quality Service Department” on 29 January morning but they refused to help. The Hospital is located very near to Jurong East Train Station. The family members are finding ways to repair the damage caused, help her to exercise and hope this elderly Patient can get discharged as soon as possible to avoid more harm landed upon her. The family members are worried that these People will make the Patient die early eventually... Please pray for her. Many Thanks. Updates on 15 January 2021, 20:54 SGT: Many Thanks for all your Prayers and Retweets, the elderly Patient has been discharged from the Hospital this afternoon. With the training from the Therapists, God has granted Healing to the Patient; she is now able to walk steadily with a walking stick and sometimes without it too. We are filled with gratitude and we thank God for this grace to be able to witness His healing! If you have seen how the Patient was a few days back, you would know what we meant… Next step? Shall we train her to climb the beautiful Singapore Bukit Timah Hill? 8-D Updates on 11 January 2021 Take note of this & keep your beloved Elderly healthy, or you may face the same consequences. Look at this Elderly stay at this Hospital even exceeds the total number of days when she was treated in another Hospital for Heart Attack and Cancer. Here’s the admission record to Ng Teng Fong General Hospital (NTFGH): 20 October to 6 November 2020: Admission for Constipation, Urinary Retention & Gout. 29 November to 4 December 2020: Admission due to Urinary Track Infection. 9 to 30 December 2020: Patient experienced Breathlessness, Dizzy and Nausea due to the prescribed drug Sertraline? Patient found to have serious Constipation! The Patient found to have contracted Urinary Track Retention on 21 December 2020 during her stay at NTFGH. 2-11 January 2021: Patient got admitted to the Hospital again due to serious Constipation problem as she was NOT instructed to take the anti-constipation medication when she discharged from NTFGH on 30 December 2021. The Urinary Retention problem has just remedied. She was found to have contracted Urinary Track Infection during her stay in the Hospital on 8 January 2021. Now the Patient can’t even stand with proper support and she is unable to walk as per normal as she used to be (on and before 2 January 2021). A Doctor told the family that she may need to be discharged on 12 January 2021 even she is unable to stand or walk! The Patient suffers the damage! Let’s see whether NTFGH dares to discharge her after making her worse than the day she was admitted (on 2 January) and letting her contracted the Urinary Track Infection during her stay in the Hospital ward at least twice! The family is still finding ways to help her improve. Please pray for her. Many Thanks.
Beware of Yeap Medical Supplies Pte Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “YMS”)! A customer bought a ASSUREREHAB-RECLINING GERIATRIC CHAIR from Ng Teng Fong General Hospital “Life Hub” (hereinafter referred to as “NTFGHLH”) at Level 2 Tower C (costing $756.65) on 23 December 2020. When YMS delivered the chair on 29 December 2020, they refused to give the customer the warranty card! After the delivery, they made at least 4 phone calls (from mobile numbers 97621010 & 94666101 to harass the customer to want her to accept that the delivered chair is in “good order and condition” after the customer refused! The customer then made a request from “NTFGHLH” to demand from YMS the warranty card. Later the customer needed to go to NTFGHLH to pick up the warranty card herself on 2 January 2021. It is clearly stated that: “Important Note: Warranty is only valid if the warranty card is mailed to us within 14 days together with a copy of purchase receipt/invoice from the date of purchase. Otherwise the warranty is considered null and void.” The customer will approach NTFGHLH again to ask them how to resolve this warranty issue as if she chooses to mail out the warranty card, it will definitely not be able to reach YMS in 14 days! Those who want to get conned please quickly buy from YMS. Have a good day and may God bless you!
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