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This webpage was 1st launched on 12 January 2021, 4:17 SGT. Last updated: 20 July 2021, 10:33 SGT.
Do you find these Encouragements (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 & Part 4) useful to you? This Elderly Patient is one of the many who have contributed to the production of these webpages. She has not been able to walk in a stable manner for a few months. This is the Doctor’s diagnosis: Her Cervical Spine (at the C3 to C4 position) has been pressing against the Spinal Cord. An operation under General Anaesthesia could help to solve this, but due to her complicated medical conditions and her old age, it may not be advisable.
We have place this special request here to ask for your prayers that God will grant her Healing. We will actively pray for All who pray for her too. Many Thanks.
Can any smart Medical Doctor / Psychiatrist please help?
Updates on 2 May 2021, 19:51 SGT The elderly Patient has successfully weaned off the Rivastigmine / Exolon Patch, now the family member cum caregiver is working hard to make her fit with daily exercises and help her to regain her memory.
Please pray for both of them & that the Patient would have a speedy recovery. We are actively praying for your wellbeing too. Many Thanks.
Updates on 24 April 2021, 8:00 SGT The Patient went to see a reliable Psychiatrist who has been treating her in the past. As her memory score has improved by 3 points and the Patient has also suffered some adverse effects due to the Rivastigmine / Exolon Patch such as nausea & decreased appetite, he advised the Patient to wean off the Patch within 1 week (use only half the Patch a day and then stop) if the Patient have shown no deterioration of her memory. He highlighted that the Patient’s memory score was much higher when he last saw her (that was before she started Treatment at that Government Hospital in October 2020, see below).
We thank All who have prayed for the recovery of the Patient. We are grateful to God for His healing touch… Please continue to pray for the elderly Patient. Many Thanks.
Updates on 21 March 2021, 8:51 SGT The nausea and dizziness symptoms seemed to stop after the Patient discontinued with the 15mg of Mirtazepine before bed. The Doctor prescribed the Patient this medication to put her to sleep starting from 14 December 2020 night to be continued till now, but the Patient suffered various serious side effects… After the Patient was discharged from the Hospital on 16 February 2021, her family member who acts as her Caregiver decided to have it stopped. Since immediately stopping the drug may cause serious withdrawal effects making the Patient suffers greatly, this is how she helped the Patient to wean off the Mirtazepine 15mg tablet gradually by taking the reduced dosage: 5-7 March 2021: ¾ tablet. 8-13 March: ½ tablet. 14-16 March: ¼ tablet. 17 March: Stopped. Now the Patient has improved but she still suffers huge short-term memory loss… This is how the Caregiver put the Patient to sleep without taking any drug: Bring her out to exercise from 7:30-9:00 pm… By the time the Patient reaches home after exercise, she will be tired and able sleep quickly… Please continue to pray for the Patient & Caregiver as till this day, she has not recovered from the damaged situation caused by the Hospital… Many Thanks for ALL your Prayers and we will actively pray for you too, that God will bless you and your families abundantly for your loving kindness...
Updates on 21 February 2021, 18:06 SGT The family member arranged for the Patient to be discharged on 16 February 2021 as her condition became worse than she got admitted again on 16 January. The Hospital refused to prescribe suitable medication after the Patient had complained of nausea and dizziness for at least one week. The Patient contracted Urinary Track infection again on 9 February 2021, despite this family member diligently helping to clean the toilet bowl seat before use and made sure she was washed properly whenever she was with the Patient. No one knew what “those others” did to her when this family member was not around. We will let the World decide if this Hospital is specialised to make elderly female patient sick with Urinary Track infection. Now this family member has chosen to work from home and has put in extra effort to bring the Patient out for active exercises around 1 to 2 times a day and the Patient walking ability has improved, but she still suffers huge memory loss and experiences dizziness and nausea in the morning, we do not know what is the cause. Please pray for the Patient and the Caregiver. Many Thanks.
Updates on 30 January 2021, 8:30 SGT Do you know how the elderly Patient ended up with Serious Dementia? From early December 2020, whenever she was admitted to this Hospital: Every night, they tied her to the bed facing the ceiling, it is so tight that she couldn’t even turn her body when she slept and they tied her to the Geriatric Chair when she was awake! The Nurses cited that they have tight manpower and they want to prevent Patient’s fall, which we can’t comment! If your loved ones are those active type, you can imagine what will happen to them under such conditions!
Updates on 29 January 2021, 9:23 SGT The Patient was admitted to the Hospital again as she has started to throw things (she has never exhibited such behaviour in the past) on 16 January 2021 morning. The family members told the Doctor that such actions could be due to the serious adverse effects of taking Mirtazapine (15mg) at night, but the Doctors denied. The Patient has also started on Rivastigmine / Exolon Patch (9.5mg/24 hour) on 17 January 2021 after admission. On 28 January 2021, the Doctor told the Patient’s family that the Patient has serious Dementia Problem. Now the Patient is unable to walk steadily even with a walking stick. Her condition is even worse than the day she was admitted again on 16 January 2021. Look here, this Elderly supposed to have constipation treated, now ended up having walking problem with serious Dementia in this Singapore Government Hospital. The Patient’s family contacted the Hospital “Quality Service Department” on 29 January morning but they refused to help. The Hospital is located very near to Jurong East Train Station. The family members are finding ways to repair the damage caused, help her to exercise and hope this elderly Patient can get discharged as soon as possible to avoid more harm landed upon her. The family members are worried that these People will make the Patient die early eventually... Please pray for her. Many Thanks.
Updates on 15 January 2021, 20:54 SGT: Many Thanks for all your Prayers and Retweets, the elderly Patient has been discharged from the Hospital this afternoon. With the training from the Therapists, God has granted Healing to the Patient; she is now able to walk steadily with a walking stick and sometimes without it too. We are filled with gratitude and we thank God for this grace to be able to witness His healing! If you have seen how the Patient was a few days back, you would know what we meant… Next step? Shall we train her to climb the beautiful Singapore Bukit Timah Hill? 8-D
Updates on 12 January 2021, 4:17 SGT. Can any smart Medical Doctors around the World please help?
This Elderly is a Heart Attack and Pancreatic Cancer Survivor. See, the number of days she stays at this Government Hospital (located at the West part of Singapore) even exceeds the total number of days when she was treated in another Hospital for Heart Attack and Cancer 2-3 years back.
Here’s the admission record to the Government Hospital: 20 October to 6 November 2020: Admission for Constipation, Urinary Retention & Gout. 29 November to 4 December 2020: Admission due to Urinary Track Infection. 9 to 30 December 2020: Patient experienced Breathlessness, Dizzy and Nausea due to the prescribed drug Sertraline? Patient found to have serious Constipation! The Patient then contracted Urinary Track Retention on 21 December 2020 during her stay at this Hospital. 2-11 January 2021 till now: Patient got admitted to the Hospital again due to serious Constipation problem as she was NOT instructed to take the anti-constipation medication when she discharged on 30 December 2021. The Urinary Retention problem has just remedied. She contracted Urinary Track Infection during her stay in the Hospital on 8 January 2021. Now the Patient can’t even stand with proper support and she is unable to walk as per normal as she used to be (on and before 2 January 2021). A Doctor told the family that she may need to be discharged on 12 January 2021 even she is unable to stand or walk! The Patient suffers the damage! Let’s see whether the Hospital dares to discharge her after making her worse than the day she was admitted (on 2 January) and letting her contracted the Urinary Track Infection during her stay in the Hospital ward at least twice!
The family is still finding ways to make her improve. Can any smart Doctors around the World please advise? Please pray for her. Many Thanks.
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