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Earlier News comments: Please refer to Table of Contents for SG COVID-19. Thanks.
Earlier updates are listed below this section…
Updates on 13 October 2021 COVID-19 Singapore and Related S’pore’s unvaccinated sign petition to be allowed in malls, nearly 6,000 signatures received (13 October 2021) Unvaccinated Singaporeans banned from malls, dining at hawker centers from today (13 October 2021) Extracts: Our comments: See the Government Publication in our updates on 12 October 2021. Those who have been taking back “amazing” fat pay cheques and yet screw up the COVID-19 situation in Singapore now want the People to pay the price. See the number of our beloved People have died everyday thanks to those Wicked who busy importing the virus and now run out of control… & sky rocketed high Local Transmitted cases… We invite the World please grade the P*P G*vernm*nt. Many Thanks. Covid-19: PM Lee’s strange live telecast about almost nothing (10 October 2021) https://theindependent.sg/covid-19-pm-lees-strange-live-telecast-about-almost-nothing/ PM Lee on Living with Covid-19: Respect the virus but not be paralysed with fear (9 October 2021) Our Comments: After imported tons of virus, causing the Local Transmitted cases to soar with our record high death count every day, do you think he has the “right conscience” to say this? Ho Ching: SG going through ‘exit wave’ (11 October 2021) https://theindependent.sg/ho-ching-sg-is-going-through-an-exit-wave/ Our comments: Here is someone who is not medically trained and not a COVID expert expressed her “expert opinion”! 84-year-old man with COVID didn’t even get to see his wife in person before passing (13 October 2021) Healthcare worker says, just saying thanks for their work doesn’t help them ― they need ‘better policies, better hospital administrators, and an attitude change in the general public about HCWs’ instead (13 October 2021) Doctor rants about impatient families, questions, “Do you think you are the only patient that I have to care for?” (13 October 2021) Doctor who died from COVID-19 was remembered as a kind and caring doctor who even lowered his fees for the needy (12 October 2021) S’poreans claim ‘testing magnetic positive’ after Covid-19 vaccine (12 October 2021) https://theindependent.sg/sporeans-claim-testing-magnetic-positive-after-covid-19-vaccine/ WP comes to aid of low-income families under quarantine running out of food supplies (12 October 2021) Lim Tean calls record high COVID cases “Shameful Milestone”, but Alex Cook says it’s possible high numbers are the result of too much testing (7 October 2021) Singapore to buy anti-COVID drug Molnupiravir, said to be effective against all variants (7 October 2021) After COVID-19 infection, patients developing diabetes; experts unsure why (7 October 2021) https://theindependent.sg/after-covid-19-infection-patients-developing-diabetes-experts-unsure-why/ MOH’s Kenneth Mak: Catching up with hospital backlog could take months (8 October 2021) https://theindependent.sg/mohs-kenneth-mak-catching-up-with-hospital-backlog-could-take-months/ HSA investigates illegal sale of Ivermectin following grandmother hospitalised for taking drug (8 October 20210 5,000 Covid-19 cases a day: How should we rate the Multi-Ministry Task Force as it pivots to a new “normal”? (26 September 2021)
Singapore PAP Government and Related Singapore patrol robots stoke fears of surveillance state (8 October 2021) https://theindependent.sg/singapore-patrol-robots-stoke-fears-of-surveillance-state/ MHA issues letters to 9 persons for posts misrepresenting Shanmugam’s comments in Parliament (8 October 2021)
Updates on 12 October 2021 COVID-19 Singapore and Related Government Publication: See item 1 With effect from 13 October 2021, VDS must be implemented for entry into shopping malls and large standalone stores1. This means that only fully vaccinated persons2 will be allowed to enter these premises. VDS means “Vaccination-Differentiated Safe Management Measures”
Updates on 6 October 2021 COVID-19 Singapore and Related Shocking conditions of Singapore COVID isolation facility (3 October 2021) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUD_CTCqXqs Is our healthcare system overcrowded? (23 September 2021) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keGSm8SnwnQ Woman says she “feels cheated by the government” after her elderly COVID-positive father isolated with stranger, and no proper care (5 October 2021) “Please settle immediate issues first lah” ― netizens on Government’s approach to COVID-19 situation (6 October 2021) Ong Ye Kung says gov’t ‘always planned for big surge’ in COVID cases, but netizens are unconvinced (6 October 2021) ‘Well-being of our migrant workers is important to us,’ say MOM and MOH after post of ‘dire conditions’ at community facility go viral (6 October 2021) Look at the numbers of vaccinated migrant workers got infected daily starting from 11 September 2021 and you will know how “amazing” the MOM and MOH are! 5K daily COVID cases possible by mid-October, but Lawrence Wong urges public to not get carried away, or be anxious or fearful (4 October 2021) Can he say the same if he ends up as the death victim? MOH’s ‘Ask Jamie’ chatbot disabled after it advises “safe sex” for COVID-related question (6 October 2021) Post COVID, Singapore politics must change (1 October 2021) https://theindependent.sg/post-covid-singapore-politics-must-change/ Ong Ye Kung on rising COVID cases: Circuit Breaker is the last resort (24 September 2021) Do you think he can say the same and remain calm when the virus sticks onto him from head to toe? Home recovery patients refuse to stay home, families express frustrations (24 September 2021) Singapore’s pivot to Covid-19 home recovery baffles some residents as cases surge (24 September 2021) Elderly woman resorts to staying at Toa Payoh waste collection point after positive Covid-19 result as she has no home (23 September 2021) Khoo Teck Puat Hospital sets up makeshift holding areas due to surge in ER patients (24 September 2021) Tan See Leng: From Nov 1, more vaccinated maids can enter SG (6 October 2021) https://theindependent.sg/tan-see-leng-from-nov-1-more-vaccinated-maids-can-come-to-sg/ Bilateral talks for reopening Singapore-Malaysia border to be held once Malaysia’s senior ministers gives green light to SOP (5 October 2021) Church friends convince Singaporean to take Ivermectin for COVID-19, ends up hospitalised (5 October 2021)
14th Parliament of Singapore and Related FICA: Abuse of power possibility cannot be ruled out ― PSP’s Leong Mun Wai calls to delay bill passage (5 October 2021) The 249-page FICA: Since law is important, why is there a need to fast read it? (3 October 2021) https://theindependent.sg/383651-2/ FICA: Shanmugam debunks claims by PJ Thum, Terry Xu and Kirsten Han on foreign interference (5 October 2021) Lee Hsien Yang: Why the rush to enact new laws, give MPs more time to read & prepare before parliamentary sittings (23 September 2021)
Updates on 11 September 2021 (updated at 22:40 SGT & on 12 September 2021) COVID-19 Singapore and Related 11 September 2021: 555 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore; 550 locally transmitted cases, 5 imported (MOH reported on 12 September 2021) From GISAID: Besides other Variants found in Singapore, the most prominent Variant is Delta, which we now have 4407 cases, 1340 of these new cases reported to have appeared in the past 4 weeks with 99.9 %Delta! Interpretation of MOH’s report: There are 555 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today: 5 imported cases + 550 Locally Transmitted cases (they refused to report on the unlinked cases). Total number of cases until today = 71,167, should be (71,167 + 46 = 71,213) + 98,289 positive COVID-19 cases via serology tests not included yet! When has Singapore started with Massive COVID Vaccination? Around May 2021... Since then, the number of daily cases has jumped from 7 (3 July 2021) to 573 (10 August 2021)! Yes, just over 1 month! The PAP Government has prided themselves for having vaccinated over 81% of the Population now, but see the facts yourself as the figures don’t lie: The more they get the Population vaccinated, the more gets infected and the numbers are soaring every day! Look at this objectively: Are they vaccinating the People AGAINST the virus or FOR the virus? Now they want to shift the blame on the imported cases? Come on! The whole World knows that the Big Bullies have the FULL control of our Borders and now you see what kind of PLIGHT they have brought to the People! Wicked & unwise Big Bullies, please step aside and let us take over, whatever you do can only bring us tragedy! Looking at your “handsome or beautiful” faces made us SICK! RSAF scrambled F-16 fighter in response to potential air threat on Saturday (12 September 2021) https://twitter.com/tocsg/status/1436729585605955589 Dear Unwise Big Bullies, we want to repeat what many smart Singaporeans say: Don’t divert our attention with this, please explain to us why the number of COVID cases on 11 September has soared to 555 and how you are going to solve this! As we are buddy neighbours, did they ask Malaysia to fly a helicopter into our airspace deliberately in the first place? The World can decide! PAP stops house visits, save their own ass but tells us to live with Covid-19 (10 September 2021) https://twitter.com/allsgstuff/status/1436246212705988608 What happens when u let book-smart scholars manage a nation? (10 September 2021) https://twitter.com/allsgstuff/status/1436160926223421441 Expert: We must stop counting all cases for Covid-19 to be endemic (9 September 2021) They are real jokers (9 September 2021) https://twitter.com/allsgstuff/status/1435899633205747714 See this Tweet and you will know how the Singapore Ministry of Health (MOH) does their work! Ong Ye Kung: We're not chasing down every single case. Unlinked numbers are not as relevant as before (6 September 2021) Seniors aged 60 and above, aged-care facility residents to get invites for COVID-19 booster dose vaccine: MOH (10 September 2021) Total lockdown an option as COVID cases spike in Singapore this week; cases still high in South-East Asia (11 September 2021) PAP Government Publication: UPDATES TO HEALTHCARE PROTOCOLS AND IMPLEMENTATION OF VACCINE BOOSTER STRATEGY (10 September 2021)
Others Uncle in ICU after a fall on board a bus. SBS doesn't reach out to his family (9 September 2021)
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