Published by LS1965 & P65:

1st Published on 10 August 2022.

Last updated: See Latest updates below. We will keep these webpages perpetually alive until the Benefactor is able to walk freely and attend Daily Mass regularly, this is to prevent further trouble with the wicked in the Church to screw up her health. The Universal Church being led by the HOLY SPIRIT is HOLY, but there are always BLACK SHEEP among us to inflict damage and cause harm. Dear Daddy God, please remove the evildoers and protect us from all harm. Many Thanks.


The Benefactor is an Elderly Lady of around 86 years of age. She was named by the Friars’ Community of the Church of St Mary of the Angels as their “Benefactor” as she had contributed a big chunk of her savings to build the Church & the Priests’ House completed in 2004. Before COVID entered Singapore in January 2020, she had been attending Daily Mass in this Church, now she is unable to move as easily as she used to and spends most of her time at home. She has got the Church permission to have her family member (hereinafter referred to as the “Parishioner”) collect the Holy Communion Host for her daily starting from 20 July 2022. You see what they have done to her based on the facts presented below (with the latest events listed above the rest).

Dear Jesus Christ our Saviour, We forgive 100% what these Priests and their agents have done to the Benefactor and the Parishioner as we want to be saved and enter into Eternal Life to the Place that You have prepared for us. We obey You to publish these for the rest to know to avoid them being conned, unaware that after donating huge sums of Money to build Churches and Priests’ houses and yet end up getting the same or even worse treatment when they become very sick or critically ill.

Dear Priests of the Church of St Mary of the Angels (Singapore), We challenge you now with what we published here for the World to see as you have blocked the Benefactor from receiving Holy Communion for countless days till now, sue us for defamation if there is anything untrue in these! Now we inform you formally that the Benefactor does NOT want any of you to come to visit or anoint her, we will find other Spirit-filled Priest to do it. We shall let the World decide what good such Priests can do for the Universal Catholic Church!

Updates on 12 January 2024 till Now

Mr Anthony (who has volunteered to serve as Sacristan) has been creating Trouble for Parishioner when she wants to collect Holy Communion for the Benefactor (see the tampered Holy Communion given by him to the Parishioner on 7 September 2022). On  12 January 2024, around 6:55am he refused to arrange the wafer to be place at the Altar for the Priest to consecrate during the 7am Mass even the Parishioner was not late for Mass. He finally complied after the Priest Friar Robin Toha who said the Mass instructed him to do so.

Our quote: The Wicked will automatically expose his own wickedness when he stupidly tries to make himself famous by volunteering or even “serving” the Church & God’s people as a religious! It is definitely better for his own reputation if he does none of these! Will the Prayers of a wicked person be heard by God?

Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away.” (Psalm 37:1-2)

How to know the face of Mr Anthony & his wife so that I won’t be mistaken a “???” for a saint to avoid trouble?

Come to the Church to attend Weekday Morning Mass at 7:00am or Weekday Lunchtime Mass at 12:15 pm (except Thursday).

Mr Anthony, We challenge you to sue us for Defamation if what we have presented here are not facts!

Updates on 1 February 2023 till Now

On 3 July 2023 (Monday), the Parishioner attended the 7am Mass. The Parish Priest Friar Michael said the Mass and after the Mass while giving the Parishioner the Holy Communion for her to bring back to the Benefactor, he advised her to go to see Friar Julian sitting at the Last Pew in the Church.

Friar Julian told her to call Friar Michael and he said Friar Michael wants to visit her home office. You see, the Parishioner told them earlier that she had shifted her work back home so that she could better take care of the Benefactor and these work consists of bulks of important Clients’ confidential documents, thus she is unable to allow anyone to come to her Home Office … Friar Julian told her to shift aside (likely need to shift out all these documents) to make way for Friar Michael’s visit. You see, Friar Michael had visited this place on 31 January 2023 (see below) and Friar Julian has just seen the Benefactor on 29 June 2023 in his recent visit,  knowing that  the Benefactor is sickly and has just discharged from the Hospital and has been prayed over and anointed with oil.

The Parishioner has not been able to collect the Holy Communion for the Benefactor many weekdays since February 2023 for she couldn’t make it on time for the Mass as they have blocked her to collect the Holy Communion even she was only 1 minute late and now we let the whole World see what kind of trouble they are giving her  to cause damage and harm. We will let All the Catholics around the World to decide if these Priests have the Holy Spirit inside or “something else” inside of them.

Dear Priests of the Church of St Mary of the Angels, first your Friar Gerard Victor defame the Parishioner of Lying on 7 August 2022 to obtain  Holy Communion for the Benefactor (we will let the World decides if he has committed the Mortal Sin of Lying and till this day he has refused/failed to apologise or make restitution towards the Parishioner (victim),  he continues with the spreading such malicious and false accusations within this Church and outside to cause Grave Damage to her reputation (yet he continues to celebrate Holy Mass & preaches as if nothing has happened), then you have started  to block  the Benefactor to receive communion on many weekdays (starting on 31 January 2023) and the BLOCK is still in-placed, now you want to cause serious disruption to the Parishioner’s work to make her shift out all the important confidential Clients’ Documents to make way for your visit. The Benefactor and the Parishioner have only done good to you, what justifications you have to repay EVIL for the Good done to you? You have just seen the Benefactor and please tell us which part of the Church Law allows you to demand to see the house of the Caregiver (Parishioner) or to intrude into her privacy? What will you do next to harm them?


Dear Jesus our Saviour, You know who those Priests (who celebrate Mass)  and/or their Agents that are still using your precious body to play games before/during/after Mass, showing outright contempt against You, please show Your Glory and remove the wicked among us. You know the evil inflicted has not stopped and the next round, ANY of them may create some major distractions again intending to cause the Parishioner drop Your Holy Communion and push All the responsibility on her before the entire Congregation, as You saw what had happened on 5 April 2023 (Holy Wednesday, the Holy Mass was celebrated by Friar Robin Toha), luckily she had held Your Holy Communion tight to avoid serious mishap. See more events here: 11 April 2023 (Easter Tuesday).  We thank Pope Francis I for his Homily on Maundy Thursday, HOLY CHRISM MASS, 6 April 2023, warning us how such “excellent” Priests have been doing their evangelization works. Dear Jesus, help us always be good and walk in the path of Love, Service and Humility, we want to stick onto You now and in all Eternity. Many Thanks.

We have reported to You the innovative evil schemes of these “black sheep” are really beyond our wildest imagination, as All other Catholics we know do not behave as such, and yet they called themselves “consecrated” to Your service. We offer this mess they have created to You and we know that You are Almighty and bigger than whatever chaos they have caused and it is only “peanuts” for You to stop their evil deeds. Many Thanks.


Dear “Bl*ck Sh**p” Priests and your Agents, please stop getting other Priests to want us to forgive you! Please note that we will always do good (to be saved) and we have forgiven you long time ago, but you have NEVER apologized to the Parishioner and your Benefactor for the harm done as you have used the “Holy Communion” to play games aggressively with them for many months starting from early August 2022 and still ongoing now, we don’t believe you will stop playing games overnight at your age, we will let the World decides!  You have done grave damage to the Parishioner as she is already under stress in caring for your sickly Benefactor and you seem quite happy to increase her stress level by blocking her to collect Holy Communion for your Benefactor, we will let the World decides if such People are worse than Judas Iscariot! Our God’s Evangelization work has also suffered damage as she is with the Webmaster’s team and we are unable to publish on time! Have you NO Conscience? Till this day, the “New System” is still there placing unreasonable & onerous obstacles for the Sick; to block them from receiving Holy Communion frequently in violation of Canon Law. We let the World decides if these Priests and this Church really love the Parishioners, want to do good to us and our Sick; or they are making a pathetic situation worse as we are working hard to nurse our Sick Family Members back to health. Look at how aggressive “some people” do marketing for More Donations? Isn't it obvious that $$$$$ will only flow in continuously if they are really life-giving instead of pretending with empty words and STOP being death-inflicting, causing trouble and harm? The Parishioners are NOT stupid! Lord Jesus, please protect our Sick Family Members against the wicked in Your Church:

On 31 January 2023 (Tuesday) after the Morning Mass, the Parish Priest of the Church Friar Michael D’Cruz (see Parish Team) informed the Parishioner that now they have devised this New SYSTEM that the moment she is late (even for 1 minute) for the Daily Mass, she is NOT allowed to collect Holy Communion to be given to the Benefactor, UNTRUE accusations had also been heaping on her etc. and one of these is “she had been late for 1 hour in the past and yet still wanted to collect Holy Communion” which is Not true! You see the Daily Mass only lasted around ˝ hour; can a person who has been helping to compile the Encouragements and Mass Readings in our webpages” do such a thing? Let her works vouch for her character!


You see, the Parish Priest Friar Michael D’Cruz visited the Benefactor on 31 January 2023 and he is aware how critical the Benefactor’s condition is. The Church of St Mary of the Angels and the Parish Priest know where the Parishioner lives (with the Benefactor) being located quite far from the Church knowing that she is taking Public Transport (bus) to the Church which sometimes could be delayed (as everyone knows) and the sickly Benefactor sometimes could need special care or if there is any Adverse Weather Conditions such as Heavy Rain  (which is quite common in Singapore) causing the Parishioner to be a few minutes late for the Daily Mass (less than 5 minutes), is this kind of “New System” trying to help the sickly Benefactor/ the Parishioner or to impose a heavy and unreasonable BURDEN to stop her from collecting Holy Communion for the Benefactor? We do not see such requirement in the Canon Law! We will leave this for the World to judge if someone is abusing his authority to cause trouble to the Benefactor and the Parishioner!


You see, all these Priests are now staying comfortably in the Priest House and saying Masses in this Church which the Benefactor had used her big bulk of savings to fund and build, and now this is how they treat her whom they have named as “Benefactor” when she is sick!  


Dear Jesus Christ, our Lord and Master,

     We thank you for being the Merciful but Just Judge. You see how they have used your Holy Communion Host to play games/ politics (right before Your Tabernacle) against the Benefactor and the Parishioner helping her. You know we love you and have strived hard to walk in your way even we are imperfect. We offer their distress to You and we trust that You will turn every evil inflicted into good for them and Your Kingdom on earth. Many Thanks.     


Updates on 13 January to 1 February 2023 (As there have been continuous obstructions by those People acting with bad faith to stop the Parishioner to collect Holy Communion Host for the sickly & elderly Benefactor, the name of the Priest who defamed the Parishioner & spreading false News about her has been revealed on 5 February 2023: see below.)

This is the Holy Communion Host given to the Parishioner by the Sacristan Mr Anthony after the 7am Weekday Mass on 7 September 2022 (Wednesday)! You decide if the Host had been tempered with! This happened immediately after the Defamation incident against the Parishioner by Friar Gerard Victor (see details below). Since then, the Parishioner has faced various obstructions when collecting the Host for the Benefactor after Daily Mass… As such people have created unending and continuous troubles for the Parishioner even she has done only good, People have been asking  where these incidents happened??

Answer: Church of St Mary of the Angels (5 Bukit Batok East Ave 2, Singapore 659918) an excellent Church with many beautiful People except those hypocrites “black sheep” who have pretended to help but have been busy making life miserable for others. See the details below.


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