You see how this Priest Friar Gerard from the “Pastoral Care Team” treating the family member (the “Parishioner”): Defaming her by accusing her falsely & unjustly before many that she had lied to obtain the Holy Communion Host on 7 August 2022 (to be given to the Benefactor), causing grave damage to her reputation! But facts have shown that she had committed NONE of such devious acts that he had accused of her.  Let’s see whether he dares to revoke his permission and stop his Benefactor from receiving Holy Communion which may drive her to an early death! This is what we will do to protect the Benefactor from further harm by anyone: If anyone proceeds with this wicked act or doing wicked deeds to hinder the Parishioner to collect Holy Communion for the Benefactor, we will immediately reveal his full name to make him “famous” in an instant! Just look at the style and the colour of the Priests’ robes that we displayed in the picture on top, you should be able to guess where this Friar G*rard belongs to! Beware of this “sniper” Priest!

You see such People & the like are unable to do proper life-giving work and can only play games/politics against the Sick and/or Elderly in the Church. When they were ordained as priests, they “solemnly” promised to God to shepherd His Sheep but they are really the Predators against the His Sheep.  Thanks to them, the Universal Church & the Priesthood which Christ has instituted have suffered numerous attacks, damage and disgrace!


Dear Daddy God, Creator of the entire Universe,

We thank you for loving us. Please protect this generous Benefactor from the evil inflicted by this Priest. Many Thanks.

Note: You may copy what the Parishioner stated below in her replies should you encounter similar situations. 8-D


Letter from Priest (email format)

From: Friar Gerard

Date: Mon, Aug 8, 2022 at 4:42 PM

Subject: Letter to Parishioner

To: Parish Office email


Dear (Name of Parishioner)


Greetings of peace.


Based on an e-mail communication sent earlier to the parish office, you have made arrangement to collect Holy Communion from me on Sunday at 8.30 am but did not show up. I then waited for another 10 minutes and decided to return to the friary since there was no sign of you at all.


I found out later that you went to ask friar J**** for Holy Communion for your aunt and was directed by him to see friar E****. You then went to friar E**** and said that you had received the green light from me to get the Holy Communion which was a lie on your part


In the light of this incident, I have instructed the sacristans and the friars concerned that you will only receive Holy Communion from me on the weekends so as to prevent any further misunderstanding and information given especially to our staff and friars, regarding Holy Communion for your aunt.


And I will make arrangements to pass the Holy Communion to you if there is a change in our arrangement – as I have agreed to pass communion to you at 9.15 am on Saturdays and 8.30 am on Sundays.


I have checked with the Pastoral Care person and we are able to visit your aunt on 4th or 11th September after 1 pm and you need to let me know which date is suitable to see your aunt and assess her situation.


Hope to hear your reply soon so that the necessary action can be take on the part of the parish to help you and your aunt. Thanks


Friar Gerard


This paragraph was uploaded on 20-21 August & 4 September 2022

After note:

When you have an appointment to meet someone but this person does not turn up, what will you do next? In such a case on 7 August 2022 (Sunday), the Parishioner approached Fr J****, then Fr E**** to request them to contact Friar Gerard as the Receptionist Office was closed and she did not have the direct contact number of Friar Gerard.

You see what this Friar Gerard did instead: He has the mobile number of the Parishioner, but he refused to contact her via her mobile, insisting that she did not turn up at 8:30am on 7 August 2022. In his email, he said he was outside the Church waiting for her to collect the Holy Communion Host but even Fr E**** did not see him and that was why the Parishioner collected the Holy Communion Host from Fr E**** instead. You see what this Friar Gerard did next base on what he wrote in his email above: “In the light of this incident, I have instructed the sacristans and the friars concerned that you will only receive Holy Communion from me on the weekends…” The Almighty God knows if he had defamed the Parishioner before the sacristans and the friars saying that the Parishioner had lied to obtain the Holy Communion Host before he wrote the above email to the Parishioner sent by the Parish Office…

Then he still refused to contact the Parishioner to clarify any misunderstanding but he wrote the email insisted that “the Parishioner had lied to obtain the Holy Communion Host” and get the Parish Office to forward to the Parishioner. The instruction given to the Parish Office and this email sent can be read by anyone working in the Parish office! You decide if he had wickedly wanted to publish this false & unjustified information to slander against the Parishioner, insisting that she had lied to obtain the Holy Communion Host to cause serious damage to her reputation as she is a Professional with proper standing in the society. She has also been using her own funds with contributions from the Benefactor, to publish God’s words (for over 12 years till this date) to evangelise. Many Catholics in Singapore and Overseas have benefitted from these works compiled by her and her team! You decide if this Friar Gerard had done a wicked deed against the Parishioner and the Benefactor, knowing that they have done him NO harm and NO wrong but have always thank him and giving him gifts, will he do the same to you if you approach him?

As this Friar Gerard has defamed the Parishioner and has been acting with bad faith towards the Benefactor based on the facts stated above, the Parishioner has stopped collecting the Holy Communion Host from this Priest on weekends starting from 13 August 2022. The family  members have obtained help from other reliable Catholics in Singapore to collect Holy Communion for her on weekends. To satisfy justice & to protect the Benefactor, we will publish the details of any person who acts in one way or another that hinder the Benefactor from receiving Holy Communion daily (this equivalent to causing her death as she is a “high risk” vulnerable Patient) for she refuses to eat or take her medications until she has received Holy Communion.  Please pray for her. Many Thanks.


Replies from the “Parishioner”

The latest replies are listed on top:

From Parishioner: Email sent @18:02 SGT, 10 August 2022

to Parish & the Priests


Church of St Mary of the Angels


Dear Fr Gerard,


       Please refer to your email above. In the 2nd paragraph, you have stated this concerning me:  "You then went to friar E**** and said that you had received the green light from me to get the Holy Communion which was a lie on your part." Please note that this is Defamation and a total unfair and unjust accusation to say that I lied and you had this email forwarded to the Parish Office to ask Ms M**** to forward to me!  Instead of just sending this email to me as "private", you had it circulated to a 3rd Party accusing me that "I lied" causing damage to my reputation. Please let me know what is your intention? I will let God judge on this matter.


2.   Ms M**** told me that I would receive the Host from you on Saturday, but you have said nothing on Sunday. I only told Fr E**** that I had emailed to you and had collected the Host on Saturday but you did not say anything about Sunday and there was no reply from you. I requested him to call you and I told him that I needed to collect the Host for my Aunt fearing that she refuses to eat especially taking the Medication. Fr E**** waited for you until 8:30am on Sunday before he went to the Tabernacle to get the Host for me. We did not see you when he went to the Tabernacle to take the Host at 8:30am. I will let God judge on the matter.


3.    Since you did not give the green light for me to collect Holy Communion on Sunday, then why did you say you come at 8:30am on Sunday to give me the Host? It seems that your words are contradictory... I had told you a few times in the past concerning my Aunt's condition, but why you had refused to give the "green light"? So you want my Aunt to suffer damage when she is not taking the medications? Why did you do this to me since I have done you no harm and no wrong, and I have always thank you after you have given me the Host and my Aunt has also thank you with gifts?


Dear Jesus Christ our Saviour,

     You know what had happened on Sunday (7 August 2022) and you know how People have now defamed me saying that I "lied" to cause damage to my reputation as I have been faithfully doing your work to evangelise. You see everything and I just want to offer this distress to you. Please come to settle this matter. I know that you are a Just Judge who will never let the upright and helpless suffer in vain. Many Thanks.





From Parishioner: Email sent at 13:52 SGT, 10 August 2022


Church of St Mary of the Angels


Dear Fr. Gerard,


     Thank you for your email. This is what happened on Sunday:

Last Sunday 6 August 2022 around 8:30am, I was unable to locate you outside the Church to give me the Host for my Aunt, thankfully, I was able to find Fr E**** to give me. I have informed you earlier that my Aunt will only eat and take her medications after she receives Holy Communion; and if she does not take her medications, there could be serious consequences.


2.   You mentioned in your email that you want to assess my aunt situation. Can you please clarify what are the parameters you want to assess her? I am sure you agree that the Church of **** is not a Hospital with a Team of Doctors who can help to treat the Patient. And till this day, I have taken an active part to care for my Aunt and based on what I observe, and in my humble opinion, I think the Church of **** doesn't know how to help. But I really want to thank Ms M**** and Brother A**** & other Priests who have been sensitive towards my situation and have offered their helping hands.


3.    In addition, I can't find anywhere in the Laws/Statutes in Singapore that the Patient needs to expose her full or partial medical conditions to the Priest or even to the Church before she is allowed to receive Holy Communion on a daily basis. Kindly be reminded that these should be private information for the Patient under the PDPA. I have not asked anyone to bring the Host to my Aunt or any Communion Minister to deliver the Host to my Aunt to trouble anyone. I'm also aware that the Church Law do encourage Patient should receive Holy Communion regularly (if possible) to get healed by Jesus. I just hope that there is no one trying to act above the Singapore Law and the Authority of Jesus Christ. Thank you.


4.   I was informed by my Church Friends that there are some Pastoral Care Teams trying to dig out private information including financial information from the Elderly/the Sick to obtain some ??? Benefit/Advantage, but I want to be careful as I should not cause any loss to my Aunt as now she is elderly and needs me & my Relatives for help. Thank you.


Dear Jesus Christ,

       You are a party in this email, please help me to resolve this so that People will cooperate and my Aunt will get to receive You daily to be healed by You. You know that I have been acting with an upright conscience to help my Aunt and I want to thank you for your blessings. Many Thanks.


Best regards,


