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This Webpage was 1st launched on 9 July 2023.

Last updated: 9 February 2025, 18:33 SGT. See References below.


Daily Mass Readings Commentaries by Saints & Bible Scholars & Saints’ Feast Days: See Twitter X @Michael65413248 Media Posts. You need to login to view.

Stress Relief for Caregivers: Uploaded on 8 September 2023 to 28 January 2025”.

Dementia Tweet




Uploaded on 18 January 2024:

ALL the Doctors said Dementia is incurable but here is the Breakthrough? Yes! This will never happen UNTIL the Divine Physician our Lord Jesus Christ takes over! He has made the Patient calm and his sanity is coming back!

Increase the dosage of the Dementia Medication given to the Patient? NO! This means that the Patient was under some form of “evil spiritual attack”!

Throw away all attachments to Sin, Repent and convert ourselves to obey God, Doing Good every day, Pray for the Patient and use God’s ways (we have stated below) and you will see the Breakthrough of God’s Powerful Healing!

You asked: The condition of such a Dementia Patient has never been too serious?

The Patient had been yelling all night, throwing things (throwing at the Caregiver too) and refused to let the Caregiver sleep! He said he wanted “milk or other Drink” but threw it on the floor when you gave it to him and made you or the Hospital Cleaner cleaned the floor during the night! Overturning the Commode he was using, whatever inside ended on the floor (you decide how dreadful the cleaning can be)! Overturning the Electric Cooler and had the water flowed out and turned his room into a “swimming pool”! Cursing, scolding, slapping, pinching, kicking, pulling the hair and punching the Caregiver at home or the Nurse in the Hospital when he/she came to help him etc… Everyone at home was considering giving up... You decide if his condition was serious!

Finally, the Family decided to persevere regardless of what mentioned above, prayed to God for Him to fight for them and with them this daily “spiritual combat”,  then they saw the Breakthrough as He is the God of Battles and He always wins! The Breakthrough just happened after they thought the Patient was in his worst and irreversible condition… This could be a Test to the Family...

We the Children of Mother Mary will also crushed the “serpent's head” as our Spirits in Christ are already sitting at God’s Right hand in the 3rd Heaven (cf.  Ephesians 2:6)

The Family of the Patient told us that they have received this GREAT Grace from God and they will live their lives in Daily Thanksgiving to Him…


Uploaded before 18 January 2024:

All the Medical Doctors tell the Patient that Dementia is incurable and the Medications that they prescribe can only slow down the process! Yes, we agree what they said but it is ONLY applicable when the Patient/Family has not invited the God who has created the entire Universe including the Human Race to step into the Patient’s life. Let Him come into you and you will see what wonders He will do to save! Didn’t Jesus tell us that He comes so that we may have LIFE and have to the FULL (cf. John 10:10)? Not only that! He tells us that He comes to serve and has paid His Life for the ransom for many (cf. Mark 10:45)! Living with Dementia and have the condition worsen is called “have life to the full” or the “full ransom paid by Christ”? Obviously not! Of course there are some people who live a holy life but not healed of the illnesses they prayed for (as seen in the lives of many Saints), that could be God using their suffering to save the Souls of others…


You know we will never publish “trash” in our webpage, this is the Quick-Fixed to make improvement to the conditions of a Dementia Patient which we have tested to be effective:

After cooperating with the Doctor on the treatment (beware if the Doctor has prescribed the Patient with Risperidone or Olanzapine, Quetiapine or others here, here, here, here, here, here, they will likely cause, inter alia, earlier death of Patients), you may adopt the following as we have found them Effective even in desperate cases:

1. Pray the St Michael Chaplet (video) to drive out Evil Spirits. The Nine Choirs of Angels - Fr. Jim Blount S.O.L.T. The Chaplet of St. Michael with Fr. Jim Blount S.O.L.T., and the True Story of it’s efficacy. Fr. Blount's Experience with a Guardian Angel.

2. The Most Powerful Healing Prayer By St. Padre Pio (video).

3. Amazing Talk on Holy Water Given By Fr. Jim Blount S.O.L.T. Follow exactly what the Priest said here and you will see the Patient quickly calm down in any outburst, so you may avoid giving him any kind of Antipsychotic drug prescribed by the Doctor (mentioned above) which may drive the Patient to an early death. 8-) God’s way is always simple and perfect!

4. Put on the Green Scapular for the Patient and say the Prayer on the Scapular (at least once a day) "Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death" (Contact +65 93384746 & we can give you FREE if we have stock). Reference: The Miraculous Power of The Green Scapular and Healing - Fr. Jim Blount S.O.L.T

5. If you are a Catholic and finding a way to treat your love ones for Dementia, we just found this could be one of the most effective shortcut to make the Dementia Patient better: Tell the Patient the Truth that he has suffered some "memory loss” problem which is quite common for many but you reassure him that Jesus can help him to remember and to heal him. Enrol yourself with the Brown Scapular (Enrolment Prayer) and get the Priest to do the same for the Patient. If you can’t get a Priest to do it for the Patient, you do the same for the Patient yourself by saying some short Prayers such as the “Our Father”, “Hail Mary” and “Glory Be”, then you quickly put the Brown Scapular (having been blessed by a qualified Catholic Priest) on the Patient. Many believe that Dementia could be due to some serious Spiritual Attack by evil forces (or at least partially as it has been classified as “incurable”). In Singapore you may experience great difficulty to find a HOLY Priest able to do deliverance (email to “oeas.enquiry@catholic.org.sg” but receive NO REPLY) so we ourselves live a HOLY life and do the Deliverance ourselves with this outward sign and inward repentance to show we are consecrated to the Virgin Mary our Mother. The huge inheritance given by God to Mary is not any material things but we as Her Children! Have you seen Satan steal anything from Her? NO Way! Everyone who is clothed by Her and strive to live a Holy Life will continue to do the same work of Christ! References (uploaded earlier on 7 December 2023): Miracles Through The Brown Scapular, Catholic Audiobook. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Protects Us and Crushes Our Enemies. Who is Our Lady of Mount Carmel (and the deeper significance of the brown scapular)? The Brown Scapular Explained by a Discalced Carmelite Priest. Mount Carmel and the Brown Scapular-Fr. Chris Alar. Saint Simon Stock (profile). Enrolment Prayer. Fr. Rafferty Meeting Sister Lucy of Fatima -1950 (video). PROTECTION OF THE BROWN SCAPULAR-FR JIM BLOUNT. Enrolment in the BROWN SCAPULAR and Adoration by Fr. Jim Blount S.O.L.T.

6. No one can read your mind except God (your Guardian Angel or the devil can’t read your mind too), you can now tell God that you allow your Guardian Angel (who loves you purely & perfectly) to read your mind so that you will not need to say anything and your Guardian Angel will come quickly to your aid before you ask of him. Get the Patient to do the same too and you will see his mind quickly clears up…. Reference: The Nine Choirs of Angels - Fr. Jim Blount S.O.L.T. (2:38 onwards). References: The Nine Choirs of Angels - Fr. Jim Blount S.O.L.T., The Chaplet of St. Michael with Fr. Jim Blount S.O.L.T., and the True Story of it’s efficacy , Fall in Love with your Guardian Angel - Fr. Jim Blount S.O.L.T

7. Watch the Daily Online Masses and let the Patient receive Holy Communion frequently (applicable only when the Patient is a Catholic).

8 Healing by Claiming God’s Words & Promises: Playlist by Vlad Savchuk, April Osteen Simons (Dodie Osteen 2024 English, extended version). Shalom International Fellowship (Mandarin, English). @healodyhealth (Mandarin). David Yap (Mandarin).  God's Promises of Healing & Comfort, God’s Promises by SOAKSTREAM. From Bible Inspirational Verses: Working with God, Trusting God's Plan, Comfort in Difficult Seasons, God’s Faithfulness, God’s Guidance, Forgiving Others, Peaceful Mind, Happy and Joyful Life, God’s Promises for Healing, Overcoming Fear, God’s Protection, Faith & Trust in God, Guidance to Overcoming Fear, Hopeful in Challenging Time, God’s Promises, Hope, Wisdom & Inspiration in your life, Inner Peace, Relying on God’s Plan, Power of Worship, Power of Prayer, Finances, Suffering & Hardship, Loneliness.

9 Let the Patient able to rest and be assured of God’s protection with Psalm 91 (modified as Prayer for self-deliverance), Song in Chinese, Audio in Chinese (ccb), Chinese (ccbt), English (NIV), Continuous by @EnjoyingtheWORD, Video). More here: Psalm 34, Psalm 25, Psalm 27, Psalm 121, Psalm 40, Psalm 70, Psalm 23, Psalm 51, Psalm 46, Psalm 125, Deuteronomy 28:1-14.

10 Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet round the clock in the Presence of the Patient and/or 

11 Pray the Rosary round the clock in the Presence of the Patient.

12 Praying in Tongues for the Patient for at least 3 minutes each day: This is Why Satan Hates You Praying in Tongues…, The Holy Spirit on Kenneth Hagin to teach on Speaking Tongue, Kenneth E Hagin Teaching on Praying in the Spirit - 2000 LaMarque, TX, The Power of Praying in Tongues.

13 Strive to live in total obedience to God, Pray over the Sick (as and when necessary) by taking these commands of Jesus seriously and you will see the miraculous healing taking place right before your eyes; either slowly or immediately: Mark 16:17-18, Matthew 10:7-8, John 14-12-14, Matthew 28:18-20Matthew 10:7-8 etc. In exceptional circumstances when the Patient suddenly becomes violent under the influence of Dementia, keep your cool and quickly pray the “Jesus Prayer” (song) (as Saint Peter reminds us of the “Powerful Name of Jesus” in Acts 3:16 , Acts 4:8-12). Alternatively, you pray the Unity Prayer and the Precious Blood Prayer stated below. You will see the Patient quickly calms down.

Samples of other Prayers: You may copy what the Priests have done in their Healing Ministries:

Fr. Jim Blount’s Ministry,



This is what we have been doing recently:

The moment we wake up, we say the Unity Prayer (audio, audio, 50 times from Deeper Faith) and the Precious Blood Prayer  (“Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world.” (500 times, 500 times)) as advised by Fr. Jim Blount (Flame of Love of IHM webpage) to BLIND Satan and for Deliverance (before Satan screws up our day and the Patient). We have seen marked improvements to the Patients’ conditions (both mentally and physically) after we do this. See the Prayers in Chinese below (translated from English):



From 33:10 Prayer for Release from Ancestral Curses (Text, say for 144 days). Chinese translation from English:



愿祢通过祢儿子的鞭打使我们获得自由,通过衪的伤口治愈我们,并通过衪的宝血拯救我们。 阿门。





Pray the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be & the Saint Michael Prayer. Then say this:

“In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and Saviour, I bind you now devil of Dementia & All other evil spirits with the Spirit of the Living God, and in the name of Jesus Christ, I cut your powers off. You wicked Spirits, I curse your seeds, I curse your roots! Go out and NEVER enter into the Patient (name) again. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, the Angels of the Almighty God shall drive out Satan & All other evil spirits and let the Patient (name) be set free forever!

You Brain, now restore, you grow back this brain and the brain cells (even the doctors said they could not be regenerated). In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you Brain to grow back, to restore the Patient’s sanity and mind in Jesus’ name! In Jesus’ name, I command All other defective body parts to restore by itself with Creative Miracles and be healed by themselves as Jesus Christ has paid the Price with His sufferings and His death on the Cross: Jesus Christ was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by his wounds we are healed (cf. Isaiah 53:5, see full chapter).

Dear Jesus, let the Glory of God fill this House and take full possession of us, cover the Patient (name) and all of us here with your precious Blood and protect the Patient (name) from all evil.

Now be healed from the crown of your head to the tip of your toes. Thank you Jesus! Praise you Jesus!”

Dear Holy Trinity, we want to offer up All we own and possess to do Your Work so that Your Will be done on Earth as in Heaven and Everywhere we go… (cf. Matthew 6:9-13). Let us be soaked in Your Divine Will that You will work freely through us and let our works show Your Presence among us. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, we now declare WAR on you Satan & evil spirits, you are destined to FAIL and we are destined to Claim VICTORY against you as there are more on Our Side (cf. 2 Kings 6:15-19); the number of God’s Angels is at least double of yours under the Leadership of Saint Michael! ALL the Saints in Heaven and those working on Earth curse you!

Now God abides with us here. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, you Satan & evil spirits are forbidden to touch whatever He owns under His Dominion and we are His “exclusive” possessions! God laughs at you (cf. Psalm 2:4) as your end is near! In the name of Jesus Christ, we will see Saint Michael & God’s Angels to chase after you aggressively until there is NO Breathing space for you and we demand you to restore us back 7-fold (cf. Proverbs 6:30-31) for whatever damage you have done to us! In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, Be Off, Satan and evil spirits, Saint Michael and his Team of Angels will kick you back to hell for you to stop all your LOSER tricks against us!”

Then, you pronounce Blessings on the Patient in Jesus’ name:

20 God put this power to work in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the age to come. 22 And he has put all things under his feet and has made him the head over all things for the church, 23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.” (Ephesians 1:17-23)

3 All of us once lived among them in the passions of our flesh, following the desires of flesh and senses, and we were by nature children of wrath, like everyone else. 4 But God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he loved us 5 even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— 6 and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 7 so that in the ages to come he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.” (Ephesians 2:3-7)

“In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, now the Heavenly Blessings from God are released to you, filling you with His Peace, Love, Joy, Health, Wholeness, Goodness and the Powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit who will be your Best Friend and making you fruitful in His Power! Remember now that with every breath we take, we are breathing in the Holy Spirit who will continue to energize and charge us every day of our lives in Jesus’ name! Thank You Jesus, Praise You Jesus!”


Believer's Authority (video) | Billye Brim (References: Ephesians 1:17-23 , Ephesians 2:3-7, Roman 5:17.)

Hunter Classics: How to Heal the Sick with Charles & Frances Playlist

11.  You have been doing good and working hard to nurse the Patient but why bad things just continue to happen to the Patient beyond your control? Whether you like it or not, you should know that our lives in this World is a fierce Battle against the darkness and evil present as mentioned by Saint Paul in Ephesians 6:12. Besides putting on the full armour of God as mentioned in Ephesians 6:10-18 to win this Battle every day to safeguard our lives, Peace, Love, Joy, Prosperity and all the precious Blessings showered upon us by our God, we invoke the Help and Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary who has been given to us with Saint John the Evangelist as Mother before Jesus breathed his last on the Cross (cf. John 19:25-27). She, the Queen of Angels is one who with our Lord Jesus Christ will strike the head of the devil on her feet (cf. Genesis 3:14-15). Good! She will crush his head until it is FLAT! Game over for you, wicked Satan! Gone!

Look at Mary’s track record of over 2037 years, even starting from the moment she was conceived in Her mother’s womb, before Her, Satan has always been the LOSER! Thus, every day we seek Her special protection and consecrate the Patient and ourselves to the Blessed Virgin Mary (see PIETA page 14-15).

“Is Christ only to be adored? Or is the holy Mother of God rather not to be honoured? This is the woman who crushed the Serpent's head. Hear us. For your Son denies you nothing.”

Martin Luther, Weimar edition of Martin Luther's Works, English translation edited by J. Pelikan [Concordia: St. Louis], Volume 51, 128-129.

Flip over to page 16, you may also seek the intercession of our beloved Saint Joseph, the Foster Father of Jesus on earth, whom our Lord will always say “yes” respectfully in Heaven as He sets a good example to all of us to honour our parents…


Search through the entire Bible yourself, has Jesus said “NO” to anyone who begged Him to heal? NEVER! Remember always that our Lord Jesus Christ who has started His Healing Ministry over 2000 years back has never stopped working aggressively to heal us and our beloved Mother Mary has been busy praying and helping us non-stop.


Prevention of Dementia <- a list that we compiled to share with All.


If you find these webpages useful, you may buy our Consultants a drink. 8-)



More Encouragements can be found in this Daily Online Masses, Mass Readings Webpage.


Jesus comes to save us and wants us to have Life and Joy to the full… (cf. John 10:10) Thank you Jesus and we praise and worship You…

See the wonderful deliverance work done by Jesus Christ in the Gospels, the Saints’ commentaries are also listed for your easy reference:

Mark 1: 21-39 (audio) (Saints’ Commentaries).

Mark 5: 1-20  (audio) (Saints’ Commentaries).

Mark 9:14-29 (audio) (Saints’ Commentaries).

Mark 16: Jesus has risen (audio) (Saints’ Commentaries).


Matthew 4:23-25 (audio) (Saints’ Commentaries).

Matthew 8:14-17 (audio) (Saints’ Commentaries).

Matthew 9:18-26 (audio) (Saints’ Commentaries).

Matthew 10:5 (onwards) Jesus sends out the Twelve (audio) (Saints’ Commentaries).

Matthew 12:22-37 (audio) (Saints’ Commentaries).

We will do updates on the rest of the Gospels of Saint Matthew, Saint Luke and Saint John later… (last updated on 31 January 2024)


Uploaded on 20 December 2024 to 9 February 2025:

Vital Organ Missing Can Padre Pio Help - World Famous Miraculous Cure. new

This Miracle SILENCED the Skeptics! [Medically Verified]

Show me Your Glory with Robert Henderson (Playlist)

Derek Prince (Playlist) by BRMinistries

Jim Maxim Testimony

Dangerous Prayers That Destroy Evil Altars (Francis Myles)

I Saw Jesus Pull 1,000 Demons from a Woman! | Dr. Francis Myles

Praying for Restraining Order 23:00

3 Divine Restraining Orders to Devastate Demons! Dr. Francis Myles

Devastate Demons with These Divine Restraining Orders!

Praying for Restraining Order 22:30

Renounce This Evil Spirit Aging You Prematurely! (Katie Souza)




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